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I [heart] Davids · Linus is home!

Linus is home!

Linus spent last weekend in the NICU at UNC but was off of IV fluids and most monitors by Saturday morning. Dave and I spent Saturday night at the hospital in a kind of trial-run to make sure we could get through a night on our own, managing feedings and diaper changes/bag changes. We did OK, but we were lucky to have that experience because it allowed us to get some questions answered while we were there. Monday at noon, we were discharged! It was so great to finally bring our little man home, one week after he was born.

Today is Thursday and we’re beginning to settle into a little bit of a routine. Linus is eating and sleeping well. Henry and Linus got to meet on Monday and introductions went really smoothly. Dave and I are still getting the hang of maintaining Linus’s colostomy bag, but we’re getting better every day.

We go back to the pediatric surgeon’s group in three weeks for a follow-up appointment. On Monday, they performed the contrast study. This study will help determine how they will proceed surgically with fixing Linus. Other than his birth defect, he is a perfectly healthy, happy, normal boy. And he’s pretty cute, too!

More photos after the break.

  1. Cristin’s avatar

    He looks JUST like Dad in the featured picture! What a sweetheart:) See you all tmw!

  2. Susan Ryman’s avatar

    Congratulations! He is a beautiful–err, handsome–boy. It sounds like you are finding your stride after all of the excitement. Big brother will be a big help, no doubt. Take it from an experienced mother of two, ALWAYS have at least one child in sight at all times. You never know what bright idea a toddler will try out with the baby!

  3. mfa’s avatar

    He’s so cute, I just want to squeeze him. Can’t wait to come visit soon and meet him in person!