I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 16, 2007

Walking Report: Week 4

Filed under: Exercise — JeniQ @ 1:33 pm

Pretty good.

Monday – 20 minutes with Dave after work.
Tuesday – 15 minutes after work.
Wednesday – I skipped yoga but I did take a 15 minute walk.
Thursday – Mmm, no.
Friday – Nope.
Saturday – No walking. We worked in the yard for a few hours, digging holes and moving dirt. A fair amount of exercise.
Sunday – No walking. Three hours of rollerskating. I almost impressed myself – I’m getting better!

April 10, 2007

Walking Report: Week 3

Filed under: Exercise — JeniQ @ 10:00 am

Ok, not the best week ever.

Monday – 15 minutes with Dave after work.
Tuesday – No. I had dinner plans at 7:30 and was busy until then.
Wednesday – Yoga, but no walking.
Thursday – It was our Friday night! And I didn’t feel like cooking, so we went out to dinner. So no, we didn’t walk.
Friday – Nope.
Saturday – Heh. No.
Sunday – Um, no. But I did rollerskate for 3 hours!

April 1, 2007

Walking Report

Filed under: Exercise — JeniQ @ 8:04 pm

Here’s how my walking plan shaped up this week:
Monday — I went shopping after work and walked from the Target at Brier Creek to the Michael’s at Brier Creek, and back. I think that counts.
Tuesday — I can’t remember. I think Dave and I took a 19 minute walk after work.
Wednesday — No walking. I went to yoga, though.
Thursday — I took my 15 minute walk after I got home, before Dave got home.
Friday — I went to a yoga workshop, but no walking.
Saturday — W00t! I took a 2.3 mile powerwalk with Tyra.
Sunday — I spent about three hours rollerskating tonight, so I think that counts, too!

March 26, 2007

Walking Initiative

Filed under: Exercise — JeniQ @ 1:35 pm

Ok, so here’s how my 15 minute walking plan went last week.
Monday — Dave and I took a 15 minute walk after work, before dinner.
Tuesday — I met Dave at Sawmill for dinner. I arrived before he did, and I knew he would be later than me, so I took my 15 minute walk in a neighborhood next to the shopping center.
Wednesday — Yoga night so I knew I wouldn’t have time after work. I took a 15 minute powerwalk with a co-worker at 3 PM.
Thursday — Didn’t happen, but Dave got his 15 minutes in after dinner.
Friday — Didn’t happen.
Saturday — I spent nearly 8 hours with the worms. Between that and getting ready for our dinner guests, it didn’t happen.
Sunday — We took a 20 minute bike ride!

We’ll see how this week goes…

March 19, 2007

Made for walking?

Filed under: Exercise — JeniQ @ 5:46 pm

So, my thighs have gotten enormous. They are 21″ in diameter and they’re starting to crowd my butt. It’s time to do something.

Not wanting to set myself up for failure, I’ve decided to do something that I think I can accomplish. Once I’ve made this into a habit, I’ll move on to something more ambitious. But I’m a very lazy person so I figure if I can achieve this, I’ll be doing good.

I am going to walk for 15 minutes each day. Who can’t find 15 minutes to take a nice, brisk walk? At 3 MPH (at my weight) I will burn about 45-55 calories for that 15 minutes, which isn’t really a lot. But it’s a start.

So, can I keep this promise to myself? I sure hope so!

March 2, 2007

Yoga at Work

Filed under: Exercise — JeniQ @ 6:25 pm

On Friday, I hosted an hour-long stretching session for the employees at my company. I had four people show up and we focuesed on back and shoulder stretches primarily. It was really nice. They really enjoyed it and they clapped at the end! 🙂

March 1, 2007

Good Human

Filed under: Exercise — JeniQ @ 8:36 pm

My co-worker Jan and I just walked up and down our three-story stairwell 5 times!

February 16, 2007

Is your Yoga practice spiritual?

Filed under: Exercise — JeniQ @ 1:50 am

It’s a question Cyndi posed on her blog: “Do you consider your Yoga practice to be spiritual? What makes your practice spiritual?”

So, I’ve been thinking about this, and my answer is a quiet and humble “no.”

It’s something I struggle with. I guess it’s kind of like going to a fabulous restaurant and wondering why everyone raves about the food. But that’s not even a very good comparison, because I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything.

Let me explain by saying that my yoga practice is not simply physical. I do love the physical aspect of yoga. But more important to me, my yoga practice helps take me away from “I should have cleaned the bathtub” and “Did I leave the iron on?” and “OhmygodlookatmythighswhydontIworkoutmore?!” to a place where I can focus on other things.

It gives me a place to work on my biggest life goal: to change who I am. I wish I were less sarcastic, and I wish I were more openly honest with people, less guarded. I wish I didn’t use humor as a screen to keep people out. I wish I could more easily and sincerely say things like “I’m sorry” and “You’re right, I’m wrong.” I want to craft a better person who thinks before she reacts, who always considers other’s feelings before making a move, who greets life’s challenges with a smile and patience rather than cussing and glowering.

In the same token, yoga also gives me a place to be okay with who I am. Non-judgemental acceptance is the party line, and I’m down with that. My yoga practice, thanks in part to my soulful yogini and the supportive community of our studio, creates for me a space where I can be more honest with others and myself, and more satisfied and generous with myself at the same time. For at least one hour a week, I feel unstoppable and confident. Whole.

So, no, there is nothing spiritual about my yoga practice. There’s no God (either uppercase or lowercase) and frankly, there’s very little meditation. But there is a wellspring from which I can draw patience and candor. And there is some good framework for building the person inside of me as well as the person on the outside.

January 30, 2007

Carolina Cruisers

Filed under: Amy,Entertainment,Exercise — JeniQ @ 11:49 pm

When Amy and I were at the Skate Ranch on Sunday, I got a little info about the Carolina Cruisers. They’re a group that gets together to skate. They hang out socially and I think do some social/charitable work as well.

I met King, who is the organizer, and he seemed very nice. When he was explained the group to me, he mentioned that there was “no drama” in the group. Amy and I nodded and thought, “Good, that’s a good thing, we hate drama.” I gave him my email address so I could keep in touch.

However, I received a few emails from the group today and I was a little put off by the constant references to “no drama.” Here are some examples:

From Monica, one of the Smoov Divas:
“Hello all, I had a great time! Thanks King, can’t wait for the next outing. Drama-free, fabulous fun! Monica aka THE DiaMond DiVa!”

From King:
“We are drama free. We just like to have fun and and get our skate on. Anything you want to learn, we will make every attempt to teach you. You gotta come out to the first Thursday skate jam. This Thursday! You will have a good time.”

From Willis:
“Hello, I would like to say, “welcome to a drama free skate club-Carolina Cruiser Skaters Assoc.”, from Willis Silver aka Mr.Hospitality.”

Is this some nuvo lingo that I’m not familiar with? Should I be worried that they’re so worried about drama? What’s up with this?

January 28, 2007

Weekend Fun

Filed under: Amy,Entertainment,Exercise — JeniQ @ 11:11 pm
Saturday morning started off with a nice continental breakfast. Homemade banana-nut bread, fruit and yogurt, served with Bellini’s.

Then we went out for errands. We went to Best Buy and picked up SD cards for our cameras. I got a new camera in January! An HP Photosmart R725. It’s a 6.2MP teeny-tiny digital camera with a 2″ display. I love it! The best part about it is that it was free, with my HP PurchasEdge points.


After our arduous shopping trip, we went to the Bar for lunch. Pickle chips were a must, plus a few rounds of beers.

Then, off to redeem ourselves, we went to Umstead and hiked the one of the foot trails. We didn’t go all the way around because Dave was so tired. When we got back home he fell asleep on the couch, still jet-lagged from his trip to Asia.

Amy and I continued to work our way through the puzzle. We cooked dinner at home (tenderloin and vegetables on the gill) and enjoyed a few bottles of nice red wine.
Saturday night we watched Little Miss Sunshine with our Movies-on-Demand option from Time Warner. Great, fun movie! Laugh-out-loud funny.

Sunday was a nice big breakfast, green eggs, turkey sausage, fruit. “Green eggs?” you might ask? Dice up some avocado and whip really well with your eggs before you cook them. Add some cumin and black pepper, tasty!

Sunday afternoon was more puzzling. We were very lazy on Sunday, and Dave took a nap that lasted a few hours. We made dinner around 7 PM (Chicken picatta with angel hair pasta and roasted asparagus with thyme) and then Amy and I took off for the Skate Ranch! Sunday night at the Skate Ranch is “Adult Skate” and I’ve been wanting to give it a try. Amy was the only one I could drag out there. 🙂

Skating was fun, though a bit of a workout! It took some time to get my “sea legs” but eventually I did. Amy had a problem with her foot that left her in pain, so she wasn’t as gung-ho as I was, but I think she enjoyed herself nevertheless.
Watching these people skate was just amazing – so talented. There was all sorts of dancing and a little jumping going on. The couples’ skate was sexy, and the groups who were skating in formation were awesome, too.

You can watch this little video to get an idea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZsxjbS6cXA
A number of people were wearing ‘Carolina Cruisers’ shirts. I inquired and learned that they’re a group that gets together to do social things and skate, mostly. Maybe I’ll join. Then I’ll have someone to skate with, as none of my other friends here have taken the bait. It’s fascinating to me that this little microcosm of society exists. I had no idea. Amy says that it’s called “urban exploring”, seeing what your city has to offer you in terms of recreation that you never expected.

We got home around 11 PM and then off to bed with us. Monday morning we had Waffle House-style egg sandwiches and then I deposited Amy at the airport.

All in all, it was a very relaxing and fun weekend!

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