I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

November 18, 2009

test post

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 4:18 pm

Testing Word Press for BlackBerry.

May 17, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 5:21 pm

Today was the first day we used our new reusable grocery bags at the grocery store. Seems strange that this is the first time we’ve eschewed the traditional plastic bags, given my interest in recycling, but I really wasn’t sure how to start. I was a little nervous about the whole process. How do I tell them I have my own bags? How do they know what goes in my bag, and when to use overflow plastic bags? Will they mock me? Etcetera etcetera.

Well, it turned out fine. I was able to pack my own groceries so I packed each one (we have three) very sensibly. We came home with only two plastic bags – they had a sale on meat and chicken so I bagged those separately. And our BOGO cantaloupes came home unfettered. We’re supposed to get 50 green points per bag when we use reusable bags. In looking at my reciept, it appears they added 200 bonus green points (the cashier must have thought we had four bags) and strangely enough, a $10 “Lowes Discount”. I’m not convinced it was for the bags, but I’m not certain it was unrelated, either. I’m not expecting that again in the future, but Woot!

Now next week I’m sure I’ll be making a plea for plastic shopping bags for the kitty litter…

May 10, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 4:57 pm

Here’s what’s new in my life.

  • The first clutch of bluebirds have fledged and they’ll be starting their second clutch shortly.
  • There is a mockingbird nest with three eggs in it in our front yard!
  • I got my Roomba!! I love it! I’m still working on a name for her.
  • We scored a $30 crockpot on Craigslist for $8 courtesy of Craigswatch. This is my endorsement. This is also how I scored the great deal on my Roomba.
  • Cayce has been diagnosed with diabetes. We meet with the doctor tomorrow to learn how to give him his twice-daily insulin shots and how to monitor his blood glucose. He’s also now on a special diet.
  • The pool opened recently and we plan on taking Henry up there every weekend – can’t wait!
  • I received a beautiful bouquet for mother’s day!
  • My next purchase? I’m pining for a bat house.

Mockingbird clutch

Mother's Day Bouquet


November 14, 2008

girls weekend

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 12:07 pm

Yay! Me and Amy and Ali are in the car heading towards Destin!

July 13, 2008

No, Thank YOU

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 12:01 pm

We recently had dinner with my mom and Gene, and mom invited a neighbor couple to join us. These people have been so nice to them that she wanted to take them out to dinner and treat them. They are just the nicest people you’ve ever met. Really, really delightful people.

After a lovely night out, they felt compelled to send a thank you to my mom. And although they live within walking distance, they actually put a stamp on the card and sent it in the mail. Talk about one-up-manship, how’s anyone supposed to compete with that?!

But it’s the contents of the letter that are just jaw-dropping. Please recognize that I’m not (entirely) making fun of this couple – they’re fabulous, as I’ve mentioned. But oh my goodness, it’s a bit over-the-top, isn’t it?

How to say “thank you”

May 20, 2008

Big News

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 10:04 am

OK, it’s time to reveal my big secret!

I got a new job! I’m not leaving my current company – it’s a promotion to a new position. I’ve been in User Support for five years, and that’s a long time to have that job. I was ready for a change.

My new role is Business/Information Analyst. While I’ve been on maternity leave, there was a big re-org at work and this new position was created in the Value Infrastructure Management department.

I start back to work June 2nd and start my new job in July. I am really excited! I know it will be really challenging but that’s a good thing. I can’t believe I’m making a bit of a career out of my job here. It’s a great company and I’m glad I’ve found a way to keep things interesting because I’m not ready to leave.

Hooray for me!

May 19, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 9:49 am

Dude. Heheh.

April 9, 2008

Big Changes

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 2:29 pm

Holy moly! There have been some big changes at work! Five new hires and a departmental re-org. Sheesh! I hope they remember that I still work there.

October 25, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 11:22 am

Last night I stopped at AutoZone to get a replacement headlamp. The Silver Stars I use burn out awfully quickly, but I love the way they look and their brightness. Though now I’m having second thoughts

Anyway, I borrowed some tools from the AutoZone folks because it requires a decent pair of pliers to get the electrical connector off the old bulb before you can switch it out. I have never had such a difficult time prying the socket off the bulb before. And the pliers they gave me were crap so that made the job even more difficult.

Look what I did to the bulb before finally working it free. I am so very lucky I didn’t cause any damage to the shroud or the electrical connector.

When I left, however, I was pleased to see this before I drove away.

July 7, 2007

New I-540

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 9:27 pm

A view of I-540/NC-540 from the air (taken from the south side of the airport).

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