I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

March 18, 2011

Gordon Lightfoot

Filed under: Music — JeniQ @ 1:54 pm

I am so excited! Tomorrow Dave and I and our friends Mike and Nicole are all going to see Gordon Lightfoot in concert! I am a huge fan and I’m terribly excited to get to see him in concert. I was raised on Gordon Lightfoot. I know must of his music by heart. He is truly a folk god, and I just can’t get over the fact that we’re going to see him. This is so thrilling for me. I’m gonna cry buckets at the show, most likely.
Plus, he reminds me of my dad. Can you tell which is which?

And yes, they’re both older now, with less hair, but these are my memories we’re talking about here.

March 12, 2011

Free Linus – Couch Outtakes

Filed under: Henry,Linus,Party — admin @ 12:27 pm

We tried to get a nice pic of all the kids on the couch. Didn’t quite work out, but hilarious nonetheless!

Free Linus!

Filed under: Linus,Party — admin @ 12:26 pm

Last weekend our good friends were kind enough to host a Free Linus party for our little spica cast escapee. It was terrific. The best part was that Nicole made up t-shirts for all the kids that said “Free Linus” and then she let them choose an assortment of iron-on patches to decorate their shirts. Linus’s shirt just said “Free” on the front and “Watch out world” on the back. It was a terrific party and we had a blast! Thanks, everybody, for helping celebrate!

March 2, 2011

Cast Off!

Filed under: Linus — JeniQ @ 2:25 pm

Today Linus had his cast removed! He had a spica cast for 11 weeks. We are so happy to be free of the cast. He will wear a hip abduction brace when sleeping only.

He is a super trooper and we are so proud of him.

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