I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

July 25, 2011

Vegas Trip

Filed under: Ali,Amy,Travel — JeniQ @ 9:43 pm

I recently had to go to Las Vegas for a work trip. My best girlfriends met up with me and we got to hang out when I wasn’t working. It was so totally awesome!

We stayed at the Cosmopolitan, which is amazingly luxurious. We spent our free time at the pool and wandering the various bars in the hotel. The girls were good humans and took a nice, long walk each morning, stopping to get us affordable food from somewhere outside of the hotel. I didn’t. I laid in bed as much as possible.

I am actually happy to say I didn’t leave the hotel until my conference was over. Our flight was at 6 AM the next morning, so we planned a 4 AM departure. Going to sleep seemed silly, so we walked the strip, gambled away some money, and ate a wonderful meal at midnight. It was the best. I love you, ladies.

November 29, 2009

Cristin’s Baby Shower

Filed under: Babies,Cristin — JeniQ @ 12:21 pm

Last Saturday was also Cristin’s baby shower. It was a well-planned and very lovely, super fun event. I’m so glad I got to share in the festivities and was happy to be a hostess.
I don’t have any good photos (too busy having a good time) but you can read Cristin’s post here and see all her photos here.

November 25, 2009

Finn’s birthday party

Filed under: Birthday,Ele — admin @ 9:13 am

Last Saturday was Finn’s 2nd birthday party. Just like his momma, I can’t believe he’s already 2.
The party was a lot of fun with pizza, cupcakes and a real live fire engine! There were about a dozen kids there and it was nice to catch up with some folks I haven’t seen in a while.
Happy Birthday, Finn!! (Sorry, no good photos of the birthday boy.)
Party Guests
Fire Truck!

Hello Handsome
Beep Beep - backing up!

August 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Cristin!

Filed under: Birthday,Cristin — JeniQ @ 9:15 pm

A late shout-out to my buddy Cristin who recently had her last pre-baby birthday. We had a lovely meal at Vivace to celebrate. YUM!

Birthday Girl

July 19, 2009

Amy Visit

Filed under: Amy,Crafty,Visitors — JeniQ @ 9:53 pm

Amy spent the weekend with us. We had a great time! Not many photos, though. Highlights include watching Fay Grim, eating chocolate chip pancakes, visiting the North Hills Farmer’s Market, cooking a terrific Pork Wellington, and seeing Kerri and Adam.

Plus, we did Duct Tape Crafts!!

Duct Tape Lunch Bags

Lunch Bags Inside

Aunt Amy and Henry

Lovely girls

May 10, 2009

Girl’s Night

Filed under: Ele,Entertainment — admin @ 9:35 pm

A fun night out on the town with Ele, Sarah and Molly. Thanks for the nice night out ladies!

April 19, 2009

Saturday Evening with Finn

Filed under: Ele,Entertainment — admin @ 12:11 pm

Saturday night we had a lovely evening with Will, Ele and Finn. They arrived around 6 for dinner. I made the boys’ favorite sweet potato and salmon recipe, and for the adults I made salt-and-pepper salmon with mashed white sweet potatoes and roasted asparagus. Yum! Will and Ele were kind enough to bring libations, both beer and wine.

We had a nice time catching up, eating and drinking. The boys did pretty well playing together. Mostly, Henry enjoyed playing near Finn and Finn loved playing with Henry’s multitude of toys. Finn is getting so big, using words and repeating sounds. He’s really growing up! When it was getting late and time for them to go home, we convinced them to stay a bit longer by giving both the boys a bath. That was a fun time and they both did great.

Thanks you guys!

March 29, 2009

Love in Bloom Maternity – Now Open!

Filed under: Ele,Shopping — JeniQ @ 11:28 pm

Love in Bloom

Saturday night, Dave, Henry and I went to the grand opening of Ele’s new store, Love in Bloom Maternity. It was a fabulous affair, like all of Ele’s parties.

Pregnant? You should check out the loads of fabulous clothes and accessories they carry!

February 26, 2009


Filed under: Cristin,Movies — JeniQ @ 12:51 am


I Heart Sparkly Vampires

I Heart Sparkly Vampires

Saturday Cristin and I went to see Twilight. Twice. It was so super awesome. The first time we sat in the back row and drank beers and ate popcorn. The second time we sat in the front row and drank more beer and ate candy. We were totally giggly and talking and goofy, it was awesome. I’m telling ya, this is the only way to watch a movie.

Have Beer, Will Travel

Have Beer, Will Travel

Stocking up for the long haul

Stocking up for the long haul

Film Stills

Edward slinks away

Edward slinks away

Awesome Edward Grin

Awesome Edward Grin

Yay! Let’s do it again some time!

Dorky girls

Dorky girls

Oh, and my favorite scene in the movie because Edward sounds like a Muppet:

And if you haven’t seen this, it’s hilarious. Watch it. Now.

February 15, 2009

Valentine’s Fondue

Filed under: Dogs,Friends,Henry,Vacation — JeniQ @ 1:57 pm

Henry had such a great day yesterday. Unfortunately, this morning he seems to be having quite a lot of teething pain – I think his molars are on the way in. He’s also had three blowouts since yesterday, probably due to either the antibiotic he’s on, the teething or both. We’ve already had to do three three loads of his laundry!

Last night we had lovely fondue for our Valentine’s dinner. It was so yummy. I love getting fed all this great food. Lindsay is a great cook and a great hostess. I enjoy being here so much because of the laidback attitude everybody has. I haven’t had my shoes on since I first got here, because we’ve just hung around the house all day long. It’s been very relaxing.

Today there’s not much more on tap other than some more good food and perhaps some more drinking. Perhaps a little hair of the dog will make my headache go away. 🙂

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