I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

December 4, 2010


Filed under: Weather — JeniQ @ 8:32 pm

The season’s first snowfall.

January 31, 2010

Snow Days

Filed under: Weather — JeniQ @ 11:59 am

We had a good couple of inches of snow here on Friday night, and as of Sunday it’s a pretty solid, icy pack. Fun!!!

This morning, Shannon and Steve brought Sawyer and Sullivan over and the Force’s from down the street joined us with their two kids. They brought sleds and we had a big time sledding down our now amazingly popular driveway. Our steep driveway made for some speedy sled rides, so Henry was a big gunshy after his first ride. He eventually warmed up to the idea, though, and got pretty confident with sledding down on his butt. It was really a lovely way to spend the morning!

January 24, 2009

Snowy Day

Filed under: Henry,Weather — JeniQ @ 4:51 pm

Recently we had a rare snowfall. It snowed 4-6″ inches and we had drifts higher than that. It was so fabulous and beautiful. Almost makes you wish it snowed here more often.

Henry had the perfect opportunity to wear the snowsuit his Aunt Monica gave to him.

Unsure about the snow

Making a snow angel

Snow Angel

He didn’t really enjoy his excursion outside. He liked it better when the snow came inside.

November 21, 2008


Filed under: Weather — JeniQ @ 8:27 am

Henry gets to see his first snowfall this morning!

snow dusting

January 20, 2008


Filed under: Weather — JeniQ @ 9:38 pm

It started snowing around 2 o’clock on Saturday.
Snow on Saturday

And it was still there on Sunday!
Snow on Sunday

Sadly enough, that will probably be about all the winter weather we’ll get this year. Oh well, I assume spring is right around the corner, right?

August 12, 2007

It’s getting hot in here

Filed under: Weather — JeniQ @ 8:40 am

It’s been hot recently. This was my temperature gauge when getting into my car at 8 AM on a recent morning.

90 Degrees

June 19, 2007

Simon Says!

Filed under: Weather — JeniQ @ 12:55 am

It was hot outside!

March 25, 2007

Spring Sprung!

Filed under: Landscaping,Weather — JeniQ @ 3:45 pm

January 18, 2007


Filed under: Weather — JeniQ @ 4:46 pm

Ah, it was like this just a few short days ago, but this morning I awoke to snow! Alas, work was not closed. But I did take my sweet time coming into the office.

You can see our bulbs poking up through the snow between the trees. They’ve already grown several inches out of the grown by the middle of January, it’s been so warm!

The roads were mostly fine, but it seemed a wise idea to be cautious. I have no idea how this happened.

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