Instead of falling into the old trap of going out to dinner on Friday night, we went to the grocery and then came home and cooked. This was nice because we tend to put off grocery shopping until far too late in the weekend, and it was nice to get it out of the way.
Dinner was Red Snapper Livornese. I added zuchinni and broccoli stems and red peppers, and I didn’t follow the recipe that well, but it was de-lish. The aroma while it was cooking smelled just like the inside of a fancy restaurant! I served the vegetables and fish over angel hair pasta with a light broth.

Unfortunately, the fish didn’t turn out very good at all. It was rubbery and had none of the flavor of the vegetables and broth. I’m blaming it on bad fish, but if you have a suggestion for what bad cooking method results in rubbery fish, share it with me.