I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

June 14, 2007

Wednesday Night Beers

Filed under: Alcohol,Kerri,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 3:11 am
I skipped yoga tonight and met up with Kerri for dinner, back at Rudino’s Rooftop. Yum.

June 11, 2007

Funny Story

Filed under: Alcohol,Kerri,Small World,While Driving — JeniQ @ 10:04 am

Here’s one from the Small World department. Last night Kerri called me up to go grab a beer and some dinner. We debated our choices. Lynnwood was out because they were rude to Ker. O’Malley’s was out because it’s just too smoky. Dos Taquitos was closed. And Ben’s Place was out because 1) Kerri went there on Saturday and 2) there is a total tool of a waiter who works there. He is so annoying that I decided we should just avoid the place. We ended up going to Rudino’s Rooftop.

We walked out onto the patio and it was quite crowded. As we milled, looking for a seat, two guys sitting at a large table offered us a seat at the table. There weren’t a lot of options so we sat down…with the waiter from Ben’s Place. Ha! Luckily, he left after another beer. Obnoxious and drunk, what a lovely combination.

Towards the end of the night, we ended up talking with this 7 foot tall guy. His nickname is, not surprisingly, Lurch. I can’t believe I didn’t have my camera. His license plate is a Hurricane’s vanity plate, so it has the little Hurricanes symbol on the left. On the right, it says 1LUR and the two small characters that designate the tag type are CH. Ha! How clever. If you don’t quite get it, you will the next time you see a Carolina Hurricanes vanity plate.

June 1, 2007

Welcome to the ATL!

Filed under: Alcohol,Amy,Travel — JeniQ @ 9:48 pm
Left a horrible day at work at noon. Had lunch with the honey, then to the airport.

Just got into Atlanta and stopped at the ghetto beer store for some lukewarm beer before heading back to Amy’s office so she can finish up some last minute work.

Welcome to Hotlanta, baby!
(Ever seen the ants in the Atlanta airport? They are so rad!)

May 28, 2007

Fishmongers Dinner with E&A

Filed under: Alcohol,Family,Meals & Food,Visitors — JeniQ @ 1:53 am

We got all cuted up for dinner tonight. Nah, not really. We always look this cute!

And I made time for an oyster shooter (with beer, not vodka).

Dinner was great, lots of steamed shrimp and steamed clams. And some beer. We really enjoyed ourselves!

Flying Saucer, again

Filed under: Alcohol,Family,Kerri,Restaurants,Visitors — JeniQ @ 1:18 am

After the flea market, we had to hit the Flying Saucer. We met Kerri there and had beers, beers, beers, and some lunch.

Aren’t Kerri and I cute?!!?!?
And then there was our waitress (in the picture below, on the left). While we were there, her dad and what appeared to be her grandparents showed up to sit in her section and have a quick beer (not pictured). After they left, she had a really funny conversation with us about how mortified she is that her family comes to visit her at work. She said that she knew they were coming, so she wore her “least slutty” outfit, the longest skirt she owned. There were many funny, funny parts to this conversation, but the funniest for me was when Dave said to her, “So, how does your dad feel about …” and she responded “My outfit?” I think he was going to ask her about her job, but she got right to the point and nailed the question all of us were wondering about. It was the high point of our Saucer visit – we laughed mightily.

She also hit up her dad for her semester’s tuition of $400 because she did well in school the previous semester. As he left, her dad was waffling about whether and how he would pay her.
She’s cute, and sweet, and putting herself through college, so if this is your Flying Saucer waitress, tip her well!!

May 26, 2007

Friday Day

Filed under: Alcohol,Family,Meals & Food,Visitors — JeniQ @ 6:26 pm

Finally got home to visit with Eric and Amber after work. We chilled on the back porch, soaking up the sun and drinking.

Then dinner was a big grill-fest with Mom and Gene. We had tenderloins, white sweet potatoes, tomatoes, asparagus, marinated shrimp, and seviche. Along with lots of wine!! Our favorite was the BV Coastal Pinot Noir. YUM.

May 24, 2007


Filed under: Alcohol,Visitors — JeniQ @ 10:55 pm

Eric and Amber are here! I picked them up at 1, and we went to lunch at Chipotle. (Yum, by the way!)

They spent the afternoon drinking beer and chilling out on the back porch. Amber caught a nap and got some QFT with the kitties.

We’re getting ready to head to the Rockford for dinner.

I took this photo of Dave and Eric having beers on the back porch. I have no friggin’ idea what happened, but it’s cool so here it is.

May 21, 2007


Filed under: Alcohol,Art,Friends,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 10:25 am

Saturday afternoon we went to Artsplosure! It was a cute little art festival held in downtown Raleigh. I bought some earrings from a guy who makes them out of spoons, knives and forks. Fun!
And we saw this cool owl and hawk.
Then to the Flying Saucer for dinner, and to continue drinking.

And yeah, there were some Civil War reenactors there, so we got their picture with KerBear. 🙂

May 4, 2007

Isn’t it pretty?

Filed under: Alcohol,Art — JeniQ @ 12:06 pm

April 7, 2007

Carolina Brewing Company

Filed under: Alcohol — JeniQ @ 10:24 pm

We’ve never been to the Carolina Brewing Company before. I’ve seen Ele’s pics (and these) before, it looks like fun. Tyra and Mike wanted to go, so we made time to go on Saturday to take the brewery tour.

Damn it was crowded. Maybe 150 people, plus a grandma and one gnarly dog. Or was it a gnarly granma?
Tyra and Mike!
Bottler machine!
Me and one of the brewers!

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