I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

February 27, 2011

Videos! (Henry)

Filed under: Henry — admin @ 10:24 pm

Recent and older videos of Henry. He really is getting so big.


Filed under: Crafty,Entertainment,Henry,Linus — admin @ 10:05 pm

We got the boys a playset this week! We are so excited to be able to just open up the back door and let them run outside to play. It has a two-story fort with open rails on the top. You access the top fort by either the gangplank or wavy slide. The bottom floor has a nice wooden floor with two half-height walls with a little counter and two solid walls with little windows. There is also a three-position swing set. It is a super awesome playset; we are really very pleased.

We worked with Mark at Backyard Playgrounds, who we highly recommend. They work with you to design a playset that meets your needs, they have a great warranty, and they are reasonably priced. Give them a call if you’re in the market for a new playset!

Double H Birthday

Filed under: Birthday,Henry — JeniQ @ 5:56 pm

Recently we had a big party to celebrate Henry’s and Hudson‘s birthdays. Hudson is Henry’s best friend. They have birthdays a month apart so we decided to party together. It was a blast! We booked the party room at Tots to Teens, where they have what might be the world’s largest playset.

Some of Henry’s best buddies were there. The kids went crazy running up, down, and all around the playset. We kept it simple with PB&J and snacks for the kids and pizza for the adults. And there were some fun beverages available for adults, as well! We cut into the cake early into the party so the kids could burn off all the sugar.

The cakes were handmade by our neighbor and good friend Jackie at Jackie Force Cake Art and featured the boys favorites, Buzz and Woody.

September 26, 2010

Two and a Half

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 3:23 pm

Henry is two and a half! And he loves tacos.

Our little man is really getting big. He has a terrific vocabulary and is speaking so well and so clearly. He keeps surprising us with the things he says, including a recent request: “I need to watch Thomas!” He is pretty much your average two and a half year old. He is by turns sweet, tyrannical, funny, demanding, affectionate, playful, stubborn and curious.

He has fairly decent table manners and likes to eat a variety of foods, including his favorite meal of sushi rice, avocado nigiri and edamame. He is still taking one nap a day for about two hours; nighttime sleep is from 8 PM to 7 AM. He brushes his teeth twice a day. He helps around the house with chores. He puts his dishes in the sink and his dirty clothes in his laundry basket.

He loves playtime outside. Inside, his favorite toys are probably his Matchbox cars and his wooden train set. He loves to read and put together 5-piece puzzles. We think he’s super-smart, of course. We adore him.

Eight pictures after the break!

August 15, 2010

Boys in Action

Filed under: Henry,Linus — admin @ 2:59 pm

Some videos and photos.

July 12, 2010

More Boy Photos

Filed under: Henry,Linus — JeniQ @ 8:01 am

Some fairly recent pictures of the boys.

June 10, 2010

Box Car Derby

Filed under: Crafty,Henry — JeniQ @ 9:30 pm

Henry’s school is having a box car derby tomorrow. I went all out and made an airplane. And used some of Uncle Eric’s awesome duct tape that we got at the Duct Tape Festival!

Check me out!

Supplies at the ready

Image 1 of 7

Blog Readers: Yet another picture option, this one doesn’t take up as much real estate and requires you to click to view all the pictures. Please comment!

May 9, 2010

Photo Comparison

Filed under: Henry,Linus — admin @ 7:20 pm

Photos of both boys in the same outfit, so you can see how they compare.

In case you can’t figure it out, Henry is on the left, and Linus is on the right.

April 7, 2010

Boy Photos

Filed under: Henry,Linus — JeniQ @ 9:57 pm

Some fabulous new photos of the boys.

March 14, 2010

Two Years Old

Filed under: Birthday,Henry — JeniQ @ 7:35 pm

Henry has just turned two. It is hard to believe how much time has passed. He is such a fabulous little boy and really a source of joy in our lives. When he’s not acting like the devil, of course.

Here’s the statistical update from his two-year checkup.

  • Weight: 26#, 6 oz. (28th percentile)
  • Height: 34.25″ (43rd percentile)

His personality is really starting to shine through. He is a sweet-natured boy with a tendency to be a bit shy, but once he’s warmed up can be a little hard to contain. He is learning manners, learning to share, learning to speak in sentences, learning to count, even learning to be potty trained with the help of his new teachers.

Some of his favorite things include airplanes, trucks and cars, animals, and playgrounds. Pretty standard for most toddlers. He brushes his teeth twice a day like a good boy and puts his dirty laundry in the hamper after his bath. He generally puts his toys away before we go to bed for the night. He loves, loves, loves to read. He has lots of books that he likes, too many to mention.

He is a good eater, not usually too picky. Last week he devoured handfuls of the Tortilla Pie Dave made us for dinner. His favorite foods are black olives, fruit of any kind, avocados, mommy’s homemade tofu smoothies, cheese, pasta, beans. He loves to run, climb and jump. He can be fearless. He adores his daddy and loves his mommy. He is getting longer and leaner each day. He’s slowly turning into a little boy. It’s a bit nerve-wracking, being in control of his development and shaping his future. Dave and I are committed to doing the best we can by him.

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