I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

May 24, 2009

Meet Hazel

Filed under: Household — JeniQ @ 9:09 am

Hazel cleaning

Recently I picked up a brand new iRobot Roomba 560 on the cheap. I named her Hazel and I love her. She keeps my floors so clean!!

Every day she cleans a different room. She sucks up the miles of cat hair and Jeni hair that litter the house and I just have to dump her wastebin every so often.

Henry knows how to start Hazel, too.

1 Comment »

  1. […] the boys are down, I can take a shower, do laundry, pack up for the next day, pick up toys, get Hazel or ScoobyDoo ready to go, check email, blog, etc. Mostly I just want to sit on the couch and drink […]

    Pingback by I [heart] Davids · My Day — September 15, 2010 @ 4:48 pm

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