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December 18, 2006

Current Addiction: Comics

Filed under: Books — JeniQ @ 1:01 am

My brother works at Dark Horse Comics and hooked me up with some new titles, so now I’ve got a longer “to read” list besides the mainstream Marvel stuff I’ve been reading lately.

Saturday I went to Capitol Comics and loaded up. I got “The Irredemable Ant-Man” 1 and 2, which I’m pretty excited about. He was featured in Civil War 4, I think, and for a guy that teeny, he had lots of moxie. I hope it’s funny. I also got a few Perhapnauts and Scarlet Traces that I was missing. I’m not in love with the art in Scarlet Traces, but I really like the story. I’d like to find the trades of the first rounds of Scarlet Traces.

I picked up Y: The Last Man 3, which is just a great story. Does anything Brian K. Vaughan touch not turn to gold? Another current Vaughan title I’m loving is The Escapists. It’s so good (and it’s set in Cleveland) that I’m making Dave read it! 🙂 Lastly, I picked up the NYX trade, which for the first time ever earned me a “Good one” comment from the guy behind the counter. So now my current collection is this big:

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