I had a very productive Saturday! I balanced the checking and Visa accounts, filed a huge stack of paperwork (which took hours, really), mailed a few late Christmas cards, finished my laundry, washed all the sheets and remade both beds, washed all the towels, picked up some more litter, got Dave’s birthday prezzies, changed the cat litter pails, ran some errands, and got some of those shredder lubricant pages from Staples.
My mom came over on Saturday night. She added a few decorative pillows to the pillow arrangement of our bed. These go with the picture she gave me as a Christmas present – I’ll show you that in a separate post. We ordered pizza from Pizza Hut, yum, and looked through some of my scrapbooks before we watched our girlie movie, “Shall We Dance?” It was a nice night!
I also gave her her Christmas present, two pairs of “Thai fisherman’s shorts.” She loved them! I was so glad, I thought she’d love them as lounge pants. I’m sure she’s going to start wearing them out of the house next! This morning, we had breakfast and then we worked on an art project. We painted wooden letters and affixed magnets to the backs to make a Monday through Friday to-do list on our magnetic board, which is in fact the door to our garage. I think everything turned out very well. We also made a D and a Q magnet for Dave and I. I made the bottle-cap magnets as a gift for Amy, who is arriving on Friday.
I don’t know how it ever got to be so late in the day. Somewhere between breakfast and 5 PM we killed a bottle of champagne. 🙂 Oh, and I finished my angles puzzle, very tricky.