I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

March 18, 2007

Caribou Quiz: Who’s the most famous person you know?

Filed under: Simon Prebble,Small World — JeniQ @ 6:05 pm

This was the trivia question at Caribou on Thursday. Pretty sweet – $0.10 off your total if you can name the most famous person you’ve ever met. I let the carpooler answer this one because I couldn’t think fast on my feet. She said she met Alexander Haig, I think. Who is the most famous person I’ve ever met? It was funny, there was one name that kept running through my mind: Simon Prebble.

It was 1995, I think. I was flying to Michigan to visit Moe (David Moliterno), a boy I fell in love with by writing letters back and forth while he was stationed in Japan on the USS Independence. I had brought Stranger Music to read on the plane because I was a pretentious English major and I didn’t want to talk to any dunces. The guy next to me raised his eyebrows in impressed, highbrow surprise at my choice. He was Simon Prebble. We talked, I got his card when we landed, and we ended up corresponding for a brief time while I was at college. He was a lovely guy, from what I remember.

I just Googled him this morning. I was pleased to see that he’s really made a name for himself with audiobooks – I love audiobooks! I was also astonished to learn that he’s the inventor of Newton’s Cradle. Is that really true, or is it some crappy Wikipedia fact?

Here’s the head shot he sent me in 1995 and the New Year’s card he sent me in 1996. He was so sweet!

I’m not sure if Simon is the most famous person I know or not. Memory escapes me, and I did have that date with David Bowie….

Simon, I’m so happy to hear you’re doing well, and married in 2003, congratulations! I wish you all the best!

1 Comment »

  1. Newton’s Cradle…it’s true

    Comment by — April 3, 2007 @ 12:31 am

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