I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 14, 2007

Custom Combat Boot Quad Roller Skates!

Filed under: Roller Skating — JeniQ @ 12:51 am
I sent my jump boots off to have them turned into skates on 4/6. Here’s what they looked like when they left.

I just got them today! Here’s how they look now – sahweet!

Black Sunlite nylong plates, green and black Hyper Cosmic wheels and China Bones Reds bearings. Phat!
I can’t wait for Sunday night now that I’ve got my own skates!


  1. Nice! Where did you get the combat boots? How much was it to hook them up like that?

    Comment by — April 14, 2007 @ 8:53 pm

  2. I got the combat boots in college. I *had* to have them, so that’s what Granma got me for Christmas one year. She went to Ft. Story to get them, so they’re authentic.

    It was $150. About $15 of that was the actual charge for the mounting, $10 for shipping the skates back to me, and the rest for the parts. For what I got, it was actually a good deal, though in total it was more expensive than I was originally prepared for. I think it was worth it, though. I’m in love!

    Comment by — April 14, 2007 @ 10:38 pm

  3. Wow – these are pretty badass.

    Comment by — April 15, 2007 @ 11:13 pm

  4. Way cool!

    Comment by — April 16, 2007 @ 12:16 pm

  5. Can you please send me a link or phone number or something to get ahold of this guy? I have been looking for this type of service…

    Comment by Gretchen Kuntz — February 27, 2011 @ 12:35 am

  6. Here’s where I got them done:

    Comment by JeniQ — February 27, 2011 @ 3:50 pm

  7. What size are they and would you be willing to sell the for 350$ or 400$?

    Comment by Nehemiah Miller — November 29, 2020 @ 2:19 pm

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