I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

May 11, 2007

Why I like to skate

Filed under: Roller Skating — JeniQ @ 3:25 pm

One of the skaters that I keep in touch with via email sent this out. I thought it really captured why I love to skate. If you think I’m crazy for skating, it’s because you don’t know how good it feels to get out on the wood and slip into your groove, not thinking about anything else but the wind in your hair and the beat of the bass.

Courtesy of “Big Stopprz” out in CA:

I am an International Business traveler and in my travels I always make it my business to find something to do while I am in that city or country; this past September I was Jacksonville, North Carolina and ran into an old friend/Marine Corps alum “Chris Gaddy” at a gas station. We began to talk and I asked what he was doing and he told me that he was getting ready to go to Raleigh to Sk8. I told him that I wanted to go with him and so the new life of a Tru Skater was born.

Skating is like a drug, if you ever been addicted to anything then you will understand what I mean when I say I started and just couldn’t get enough. Skating to me meant opening my life to a whole new world of real people. Creating friendships and acquaintances that will be there as long as there is breath in my lungs. This meant that I could go to a function enjoy the atmosphere and not worry about getting into a fight or paying a huge bill for something I didn’t like. Skating is like going to a concert every week. For men it’s like going to a Miss Black America pageant and just watching (everybody don’t look like the Divas, but you know what I mean) all of the
lovely individuals of the female gender and for the women I sure it’s the same.

Being able to get away from it all and hear your song while you are on the hardwood, after a week of frustration at work, or at home, it just makes for therapy like you can’t experience in any other arena/genre except maybe a high priced shrinks office.

Now everywhere that I go I have to find a Roller Skating Rink, and almost everybody has one. And if they don’t I would drive to the nearest State just to “get my roll on”! Chris, King, all of the Carolina Cruisers, Monica and the Divas, have helped me understand and learn that adults can have fun all the time too. You just have to find your niche and go for it! It’s a world of passion that you would not understand unless you were a part of it and I owe it all to The Carolina Cruiser family and the Skate Ranch in Raleigh, North Carolina. I love you all more than you know.
I know I wrote a lot, but really…


Horace “Big Stopprz”

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