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May 16, 2007

Mac vs. PC

Filed under: Media,Technology — JeniQ @ 4:19 pm

I love love love these Mac/PC commercials. Love!

Even though I’m PC all the way and I can’t really stand Macs. How do you people live without right-clicking?


  1. PCs Rule MACs Drool!

    Granted… Macs have their place in design and graphics shops but they will NEVER replace the PC or have the userbase that PC has.

    I’m sure there is a Keyboard command that does the same thing as R-Click.

    Those commercials are very funny.

    ” Let me calculate how much time you just wasted” LMAO

    Comment by — May 16, 2007 @ 4:37 pm

  2. Hey Jeni, not sure if you knew, but I get paid to be a mac dork.

    All Macs can right click, the desktop machines come with what Apple calls a Mighty Mouse, built in scroll ball and other stuff, the MacBook and MacBook Pro (like mine) have a feature where you put two fingers on the trackpad and click and it acts like a right click. If you don’t have a multi-button mouse you can hold down the control key and click for a right click.

    So, time to buy a Mac right?

    Comment by — May 16, 2007 @ 7:33 pm

  3. You should have seen me at my brother’s this past Thanksgiving! I was trying to copy some files from the file system onto my USB drive. I couldn’t right-click and there were no Move or Copy commands in the menus. I was so frustrated, I gave up. Later, my brother found out and laughed at me when he told me I could have just dragged and dropped the files.

    My argument is that there needs to be a better way for people to do this than just dragging and dropping for those of us who aren’t expert mousers. I have repetitive stress issues in my arms and my mousing skills suck. I hate when I have to land my cursor on a space that’s half a centimeter large.

    Gah!! Macs make me an unpleasant person to be around. Don’t make me use a Mac unless you want to see Evil Jeni. 😀

    Comment by — May 16, 2007 @ 9:00 pm

  4. The vitriol!

    As a Mac user I’ve got to even the comments out here.

    So uh, yeah. JeniQ? I’ve met John Hodgeman, the PC. Here in Durham. At the Regulator. I have pictures to prove it. (Though I was the photog, so I don’t appear. My friends, however do.)

    So check it out, yo yo!

    I {heart} my mac.

    Comment by — May 17, 2007 @ 2:36 am

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