I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

May 16, 2007

Sunday Brunch to Celebrate Ele’s Birthday

Filed under: Birthday,Ele,Meals & Food,Restaurants — JeniQ @ 11:02 am

Ele sweetly invited Dave and I to her birthday brunch on Sunday (Mother’s Day). We went to Humble Pie. She had cute little seating cards for all of us and was dressed in her fabulous new dress. She’s such a cute girlie-girl!

It’s been ages since I had brunch at Humble Pie, and it was tasty! We had a really nice time. We got to talk with Will’s mom and her husband, Will and Ele, Will’s little sister, and Molly and Matthew. We couldn’t really hear the rest of the table. I enjoyed talking with Molly and Matthew, they seem like a sweet couple. I learned that Molly sometimes reads my blog, so a shout out to you, Molly! 🙂


  1. Hey looks like you had loads of fun…and nice photos as well…thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us!!!

    Comment by — May 16, 2007 @ 11:51 am

  2. Dave, something tells me you’re not really interested in my post.

    Instead, you just want people to visit your website and use your products. Is that right?

    If not, convince me otherwise.

    Comment by — May 16, 2007 @ 12:23 pm

  3. Aww – this is so sweet! I’m so glad you all came! And yeah, the downside to having a sit-down getogether with a large-ish group, your socializing is limited to folks within shouting distance. Luckily, I was in the middle, and don’t mind shouting!

    Comment by — May 16, 2007 @ 6:23 pm

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