I read several of your recap pages from this episode, Doomsday. Reading your post, I found myself crying, sobbing! It was so true. You said: “I don’t care to do the math and I don’t know how to say this without coming across just ridiculous, and I am slightly drunk, but I mean: Rose Tyler. On every single page. I know this girl, and she’s gone, forever, and tonight I really miss her. I wish today were just like every other day. My Rose. You were fantastic.”
I, perhaps, have also had too much wine, but I agree with this wholeheartedly. It’s so funny to me that I feel like I’ve lost the doctor. Duh. He’s not gone. But I guess I’m feeling how Rose feels. That’s how I’m feeling after watching Doomsday.

What’s your name?
I’m the Dr!
Dr Who?
No, Just the Dr.
Comment by Sean — July 24, 2007 @ 6:14 am
I cry *every* time I watch “Doomsday”. I know it’s coming; I know she’ll be trapped on the other side of the wall…but I bawl all the same.
The first time I saw the Doctor was during my year in Japan and I was absolutely mesmerized. In fact, the series’ philosophy really helped me to deal with a bunch of difficult situations that came later. It’s the most marvelous show, isn’t it? ^^
Comment by Sarah — April 4, 2008 @ 9:15 pm
[…] Jacob is writing recaps (on Television Without Pity) for True Blood. Hoooray! Trust me when I say that most every time, reading Jacob’s recaps are better than watching the show itself. If I could just get a few Youtube snippets of Bill’s smoldering eyes, that’s all I’d need. […]
Pingback by I [heart] Davids · Yayayayayayay! — September 15, 2008 @ 11:14 am