I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

September 21, 2007

Austin, Part 2

Filed under: Birds,Cats,Dogs,Travel,Vacation — JeniQ @ 10:01 pm

I like to jokingly refer to their place as “the Ark” becuase they have so many pets and other animals. Now that they have little Evan Almighty, it’s perfect!! They have a few indoor pets: three dogs and two cats. Nina and Fin are chihuahuas, while Grayson is this teeny little miniature of a regular dog. Seymour  is a total snugglepuss and ferocious player. Alabaster didn’t make it into the pictures somehow.


Grayson and Fin


The newest addition to their flock is, well, a flock. Five bantam chickens named Eleanor, Abigail, Chester, Teddy and Lucy. Chester and Teddy are roosters, and it’s still out for decision exactly what Abigail is. A prize for whomever can guess the naming convention for the chickens.

There are also seven baby chickens that Monica allowed to hatch. They’ll join the rest of the flock in a few weeks. The best part about these chickens (besides the incessant crowing) is their cute feathered feet – how adorable. We enjoyed a bunch of fresh Banty eggs while we were there – yum! I wonder if our covenants forbid raising chickens??

Abigail and Chester

Lucy laying an egg


Baby Chicken with feathery feet


  1. Does the convention have something to do with presidents and their wives? I’ve had one too many beers to continue this train of thought, but the president and wife vibe first rang as a possiblity.

    p.s. I LOVE fresh eggs. Such orange yolks!

    p.p.s. I bet your HOA doesn’t allow chickens, but Raleigh sure does. Durham, on the other hand, does NOT. Losers.

    Comment by Stew — September 21, 2007 @ 11:15 pm

  2. I doubt that the city of Raleigh allows chickens.

    Ya gotta move to the country and not live in a hood with restrictive covenants to have farm animals.

    Comment by Sean — September 22, 2007 @ 12:35 am

  3. The pups are so cute with their sleepy eyes, esp Nina:) And Seymour is a handsome man!

    Comment by Cristin — September 22, 2007 @ 3:20 pm

  4. A prize to Stewie for guessing the presidents and their wives theme!

    Comment by admin — September 23, 2007 @ 12:35 pm

  5. […] Some pictures from our trip to see our friends in Austin. We had a great time visiting with Scott and Monica, their son Evan, and their collection of animals. […]

    Pingback by I [heart] Davids · Visiting the Ranch — October 7, 2008 @ 5:01 pm

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