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December 2, 2007

More Movie Reviews

Filed under: Movies — JeniQ @ 10:57 am

Knocked Up

Really enjoyed watching Waitress and Knocked Up this weekend.

It was really fun for Dave and I to watch two movies dealing with impending pregnancies.

Ah, and I love the Hal Hartley-esque dialogue and timing in Waitress.

Jenna: Cal, are you happy? I mean, when you call yourself a happy man, do you really mean it?
Cal: You ask a serious question, I’ll give you a serious answer: Happy enough. I don’t expect much. I don’t get much, I don’t give much. I generally enjoy whatever comes along. That’s my answer for you, summed up for your feminine consideration. I’m happy enough.

I wrote my final paper in my Film class in college about Hal Hartley. I got an A-. Later, I sent the paper to the publishing house to forward on to him, and I received a reply! He corrected/responded to some of the points I’d made in my paper and congratulated me for a job well done.

*Sigh* I might have to go watch Surviving Desire now.

Surviving Desire

1 Comment »

  1. I loved that part of Waitress too! So deadpan:)

    Comment by Cristin — December 2, 2007 @ 11:03 pm

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