I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

December 4, 2007

New and New

Filed under: Gifties,Shopping — JeniQ @ 3:10 pm

Look at my adorable new earrings and my adorable new top. Cristin made these earrings herself and gave them to me for my birthday!
And I got the top in the Junior’s clearance section at Belk. Why the kids these days want to look pregnant is beyond me, but it works out in my favor!



  1. Groovy ears. Nice posture. Are those new glasses?

    Comment by BBQ — December 4, 2007 @ 3:27 pm

  2. Tooooo cute!

    Comment by Ally — December 4, 2007 @ 3:45 pm

  3. When was your birthday? I musta missed it, so happy belated 🙂

    Comment by Sean — December 4, 2007 @ 4:34 pm

  4. I got a pair of earrings too, because Cristin decided she missed my birthday, which isn’t until February! Score! They’re just like yours, so we can be twinners. Except one of mine fell out today and got lost at Crabtree. Boo.

    Comment by Stew — December 4, 2007 @ 5:00 pm

  5. Lame!! I was thinking to put stoppers on the ends of the hooks, but I just ended up bending them to be more narrow.

    Comment by admin — December 4, 2007 @ 5:14 pm

  6. Ooooh so cute! Love that shirt. The Ts these days are so blousy, I know what you mean. Mad cute tho!

    Stewie. Making you another one stat!

    Comment by Cristin — December 4, 2007 @ 5:16 pm

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