I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

December 18, 2007

Marth Friggin’ Stewart

Filed under: Crafty,Holidays — JeniQ @ 8:13 am

I’ve come up with a way to display our Christmas cards that I’m really happy with. I draped garland around the entrance to the Living Room and the cards hang from little clips attached to the garland.

Christmas Cards

Detail of Christmas Card

On another crafty note, Cristin was admiring my tree skirt. My secret to a great tree skirt? Go find a festive holiday tablecloth that’s large enough to fit your needs. Cut from one edge to the center and cut a small circle out of the center. Then stitch up the cut edges so it looks neat and doesn’t fray. You can get a much larger skirt for a better price than a traditional tree skirt and there are lots of patterns to choose from.


  1. You so crafty-cute:)

    Comment by Cristin — December 18, 2007 @ 12:37 pm

  2. Very nice. My favorite display has been the Xmas card tree – http://www.willdaddy.net/blog/?p=407. This year, I’m sort of tapped, so I’ve just been piling the cards in a big red bowl – not that attractive, but OH so easy!

    Comment by Ele — December 18, 2007 @ 11:41 pm

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