I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

January 1, 2008

Cleveland Christmas

Filed under: Cleveland,Family — JeniQ @ 12:24 pm

Some shots from our first day in Cleveland, hanging with the kids at Kevin and Mary’s.

Audrey and Kate


Aunt Jeni with Audrey

The MOST adorable photo of Carson ever!

It almost looks like she likes me!

Then off to lunch at Skyline. I skipped the three-way and had three cheese coneys instead. YUM. An acquired taste, for sure, but oh-so-yummy!! It’s total chaos when we descend upon Skyline.

Cheese Coneys

The afternoon was spent lounging around – several people dozed off while viewing The Pink Panther.
Couch dozing

Then Kevin and Mary and Dave and I went to dinner while Mom and Dad babysat.
Mary and Kevin at dinner

A great day in Cleveland!

1 Comment »

  1. Sounds like it! It’s also great to visit with family and fall asleep to a movie.

    Comment by Cristin — January 1, 2008 @ 7:15 pm

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