I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

January 20, 2008

Blade Runner ‘The Final Cut’

Filed under: Movies — JeniQ @ 10:06 pm

We read in the N&O about how the re-re-cut of Ridley Scott‘s Blade Runner was being played in original 35-mm format for only a few days, starting on Friday. So we made time this weekend to see it at The Carolina Theatre.

I LOVE Rutger Hauer. And Harrison Ford.
And I love my new camera, because I took these pictures with it.

Rick Deckard

Roy Batty

Pris and Deckard

It was awesome, I’m so glad we went. The movie has always left a lasting impression on me, with its dirtyness and dampness. One of the first times in movies that we don’t see a bright and gleaming future. Perhaps this is what inspired my unquenchable thirst for good dystopian fiction.
I think the movie’s use of the Chinese people as the mainstay population was one of the first times you saw that concept portrayed on the big screen for sci-fi movies, though you’ll read about themes like that in older dystopian novels and of course in current sci-fi like Firefly.

1 Comment »

  1. Dirty and damp are the perfect adjectives to describe this film. Awesome.

    Comment by Cristin — January 21, 2008 @ 11:37 am

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