I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

February 8, 2008


Filed under: Mood — JeniQ @ 11:56 am

I don’t normally blog about work, and technically this isn’t about work, it just happened at work.

Yesterday I was chastised for raising my arms above my head. Apparently you can strangle the baby with the umbilical cord by raising your arms above your head. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE. I mean, have you even thought logistically of how that would work? It’s like, impossible. And wait, I’m sorry, when did you get your medical degree? Oh, that’s right. You don’t have one. You’re just crazy.

And today I was chastised for wandering through the hallway eating at 10 o’clock and told that “You’d better be careful, you know you have to get skinny again after you have that baby.”
Most people I work with are not phased by the site of me walking around the office eating – happens all the time and has for years. If you’ve ever met me, I hope you’ll agree that I am not and have not been overweight. I’m nearly eight months pregnant and I’ve gained a measly 22 pounds – not bad if I do say so myself.
So what the heck? I actually planned a light breakfast today so I could finish up my leftovers in the morning – it wasn’t even an impulse eating binge. It was tasty chinese leftovers.

And then there’s this trauma that Emily’s going through with nosy people of her own.

Gah, can’t people keep from being so danged nosy?


  1. Just give them your 12 Months pregnant evil eye and mentally tell them to SFTU!

    Comment by Sean — February 8, 2008 @ 12:17 pm

  2. You know my thoughts on this matter. Eff yoo. It is SO crazy that you had this gripe yesterday because I totally did too. Losers.

    Comment by Cristin — February 8, 2008 @ 1:41 pm

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