I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

July 28, 2008

Kids Exchange

Filed under: Shopping — JeniQ @ 12:35 pm

Wow. That’s the only word I can use to describe Kids Exchange, a huge consignment sale held twice a year at the Fairgrounds. It’s immense and there is so much for sale!

I went on Thursday (on a seller’s pass) and got a high chair and an Exersaucer for us and a pack n’ play and a car seat base for my mom. Then mom and I returned on Sunday for half-price day and bought a whole bunch of clothes and books and miscellaneous stuff for cheap.

Here’s a list of what we got and how much we paid:

  • High Chair – $20
  • Exersaucer – $17
  • Pack and Play – $12
  • Car Seat Base – $7
  • Full-size Graco Stroller – $8
  • Fold-up “umbrella” stroller – $7
  • A dozen books and over 20 outfits, plus misc stuff (57 items total) – $92

Books, bibs, toys, socks, dishwasher baskets, baby gym, safety equipment, hat with mittens

clothes, clothes, jigsaw puzzles, and more clothes
And did you see the awesome Browns onesie and pants we scored? What an exciting find!


  1. That is AWESOME! I also love blueberries, the sky, and hippos. I’m kinda LOLing at that right now, hahaha!

    Comment by Cristin — July 28, 2008 @ 2:27 pm

  2. That is the best shopping, isn’t it?! I love a great deal!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by Monica — July 28, 2008 @ 7:01 pm

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