I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

September 8, 2008

Poll for Parents

Filed under: Babies — JeniQ @ 9:01 pm

For all you moms and dads out there, a quick poll. Please answer in the comments section below.

What time does your baby go to bed?

I’ll start.

Henry’s bathtime starts between 6:30 and 7:30, so he’s in bed sometime between 7:00 and 8:00 PM. Henry is 6 months old.

Don’t forget to tell us how old your baby is. Pass it on to your friends!


  1. Hey Jeni~ Ayla’s bath time starts around 6:45, sometimes earlier if she’s tired. and she’s in bed by 7:30 give or take 15 mins.

    Comment by Dots — September 8, 2008 @ 9:58 pm

  2. 8:30p. He sleeps until 7:30-8:30am. Finn is 9.5 mos old. He went to bed at 9:30-10:30p until he was 7 mos! I know, WHAT were we thinking??? All I can say is that he took many naps during the day, and 10pm was just when he seemed tired. After hanging out with our friends’ 2 year old, who went to bed at 7:30p, I declared Finn had a new bedtime.

    Comment by Ele — September 8, 2008 @ 10:02 pm

  3. My babies sleep all day, 9ishAM-8ishPM. Archie is 5 and Lily is 4… Did I throw a wrench in this poll?

    Comment by Cristin — September 8, 2008 @ 11:41 pm

  4. Can dads play too?

    The Boy is a week shy of two years old. He’s in the bath at 7:30pm and in bed by 8pm on a typical night.

    Bonus Material:He usually sleeps until sometime between 6am and 7am.

    Comment by nick — September 8, 2008 @ 11:45 pm

  5. […] only 1 question. 🙂 Posted by Ele […]

    Pingback by Happy Friday » Please take Jeni’s New Mom poll — September 9, 2008 @ 8:36 am

  6. Cristin, I forgot to list Cayce and Billy’s schedules! Thanks for the reminder.

    Nick, sorry for the oversight. I have corrected.

    Bonus Material: Henry sleeps until 6 AM unless something weird happens, like a morning poopie.

    Comment by admin — September 9, 2008 @ 8:46 am

  7. Guinness was batheing at 9pm, bedding down around 1030 or 11 on weekends. Now he’s around 6months young, and we’ve moved his bath back to 8pm and he is in bed by 9, which is a new thing for him, as his sleeping patterns are changing.
    How long he stays a sleep varies from night to night. Most nights he wakes around 4am, back to sleep an hour later, and up again around 2 hrs after that. We never get to sleep late! 🙂

    Comment by Jennifer from Cincinnati — September 9, 2008 @ 9:45 am

  8. Cooper goes to bed sometime between 7:30 and 8:00 every night. We start getting him ready for bed around 7:00-7:15. He takes a bath every other night, then jammies, bottle, book and bed. Cooper is 10.5 months old. He sleeps until 8:00ish every morning.

    Comment by Molly — September 9, 2008 @ 10:02 am

  9. Lucas eats at 6:30, bath at 7:00ish, change into PJ’s, play until about 8:15, snack and Sesame Street until 8:30ish. Nighttime routine where I rock him and then lay with him and he goes to sleep around 9:00. He sleeps until 7am and takes a 2-3 hour nap from 12-3ish.

    Comment by Shanna — September 9, 2008 @ 3:28 pm

  10. Yikes, forgot to say that Lucas is about 2.5 years old.

    Comment by Shanna — September 9, 2008 @ 3:29 pm

  11. CinciJen,
    Have you tried the Ferber method? I’m a big fan. We used it at three months (when I went back to work) and Henry’s been sleeping through the night ever since then, excepting those times he’s been sick.

    Molly, nice work! 🙂

    Shanna, that sounds like a lot of work! I lay Henry down in his crib, tuck in his blanket, kiss his cheek and I’m out. Time for Dave and I to have “adult time” and I’m always ready for it. 😉

    Thanks for all the responses!

    Comment by admin — September 9, 2008 @ 8:02 pm

  12. Hey Jeni.

    My kids are 10 and 7years old now, so I’m afraid I won’t be much help. But, back in the day, they were in bed b/n 7:30-8:00, and slept till around 7 or so.

    Love the Ferber method! It works wonders!

    Comment by Deb — September 10, 2008 @ 7:28 am

  13. Man,
    I feel like such the slacker parent.
    bathtme for David (he is 1 yr old) is around 8:00pm. I place him in his crib soon after. He usually soothes himself to sleep by 9:00pm.

    David is wide awake at 7pm, I do not think that I could get him to bed that early. Any suggestions? Oh and he usually sleep until about 7:15am

    Comment by Kelli — September 10, 2008 @ 1:33 pm

  14. OK, so my kid is apparently the only one that doesn’t sleep a lot… I try to get him in bed around 8:30pm, asleep by 9:30pm and then he’s up between 6 & 6:30am, 7am on a lucky day… What’s bad is that this is before the time change; soon we will be looking at 5am–ahhhh……

    Comment by Monica — September 11, 2008 @ 8:15 pm

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