I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

October 7, 2008

Visiting the Ranch

Filed under: Babies,Friends,Travel,Vacation — JeniQ @ 5:01 pm

Some pictures from our trip to see our friends in Austin. We had a great time visiting with Scott and Monica, their son Evan, and their collection of animals.

The boys didn’t really want to play together, but give them a few years!
Henry and Evan

Here’s Scott and his son.
Scott with Evan

And Dave with his son.
Dave and his boy

Scott and Monica and a few of their pets.
the Farleys

Henry playing with Evan’s Sit-N-Spin. He doesn’t really have as much balance as it looks in this picture.
Henry on the Sit-N-Spin

The guest bathroom was like a spa – lovely products and a shower with teeny tiny tiles and a window that opens to the outside. My favorite! There was also this funky art in the bathroom.
Fab shower Bathroom art

One night we hit Mandola’s for dinner. The wine was so so yummy, I should have bought a bottle to bring home!

The cannelloni beans, however, were a disappointment. They were mealy and in a sauce that was so tomato-y it was hard to taste any other flavors.
Chalky beans

We had a fabulous time. Thanks for being such great hosts, Monica and Scott!


  1. Fun pictures! I talked to my friend, Kelli, the other day and she went to Mandola’s for the first time last week and was unimpressed with the food. I had to agree with her:( You know, there just aren’t any good places to eat around here!

    Comment by Monica — October 7, 2008 @ 5:16 pm

  2. Fun! Monica and Scott and Evan have a great place and such snorgleable pups!

    Comment by Cristin — October 7, 2008 @ 5:40 pm

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