I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

October 31, 2008

Ziggy Stardust

Filed under: Cristin,David Bowie — JeniQ @ 12:16 pm

Cristin and I finally got around to watching Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars this week, which was quite excellent.
sweet cheeks

We had yummy pizza dinner and Cristin got to feed Henry. She brought him this amazing shirt that she made, featuring Hank the Tank.

Hank the Tank

All of her pictures are here.


  1. Why is my immediate reaction to that picture of David always to bite his ass? Is that wrong?

    Comment by Cristin — October 31, 2008 @ 3:17 pm

  2. There’s nothing wrong with that. Or that ass. 🙂

    Comment by admin — October 31, 2008 @ 4:14 pm

  3. That image is just WRONG! Glad you guys had a good time. That baby head on the tank looks just like Henry’s 🙂 Good job C!.

    Comment by Sean — November 1, 2008 @ 4:25 am

  4. Thanks, Sean P!

    Comment by Cristin — November 1, 2008 @ 11:24 am

  5. […] made Henry this Hank the Tank shirt. He was kind enough to model […]

    Pingback by I [heart] Davids — January 14, 2009 @ 8:40 pm

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