I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

November 9, 2008

Halloween Party at School

Filed under: Babies,Holidays — JeniQ @ 12:04 pm

We all know that Dave is an awesome dad. More proof is his visit to daycare last Friday to participate in the Halloween festivities. The girls at daycare were enamored of him because he was so helpful, and he had a great time seeing all the kids in their costumes. The costumes included an elephant, several pumpkins, a tigger, a vampire, a devil, a lion and of course Henry was a monster. The kids had a great time and were just so cute!!!
Trying not to post too many pics of the kids, but Zoe is so stinkin’ cute in this picture that I’m posting it. I’m pretty sure her mom is a blogger so I think it’s OK. Molly, can you pass this link on?

Halloween at School

Henry’s favorite teacher, Julia

Zoe in her elephant costume
Zoe as an elephant


  1. heeheehee Happy Hallowe’en!!!

    Comment by Cristin — November 9, 2008 @ 4:34 pm

  2. Great picture….. Zoe’s blog lives here: http://fakedad.blogspot.com/

    Comment by Jonathan Bruce — November 10, 2008 @ 11:46 pm

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