I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

January 20, 2009

Henry’s First Christmas at Home

Filed under: Henry,Holidays — JeniQ @ 7:53 pm

We celebrated Christmas again after we got home from Granma’s. It was a beautiful tree full of presents! So much for restraining ourselves this year.

We started with Henry’s stocking, which Granma made for him. Isn’t it cute? It was filled with a few of his toys and some clementines. He was not enthusiastic. Perhaps next year.
Opening stocking

Then we got into the serious business of opening presents. Luckily, we had help.
Helpfully opening things

A fun gift from the T’s, this puppy handpuppet was promptly given the name of “Falkor.”
Hello. My name is Falcor.

Monica’s gift to us included these handmade gift tags featuring our very likeness!
Handmade gift tags

And his gift from his cousins was this little Taggie blanket, a perfect gift for my little tag-chewer.
Loves his Taggie

Henry was helpful, all the while, creating chaos and destruction.
Typhoon of destruction

So we eventually put him in his crate so we could finish opening all the presents.
Crate - Stick

The end result? A huge mess and some tired cats!
Disaster Area


  1. Falkor is the perfect name! It will bring good luck:) Love Mon’s tags and Henry’s buggies on his nightie:)

    Comment by Cristin — January 22, 2009 @ 5:41 pm

  2. Looks like you had a great Christmas! BTW, I just got the Christmas card I sent your mom and Gene back in the mail. I sent it to the wrong address. Would you please let her know?

    Comment by Monica — January 22, 2009 @ 9:47 pm

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