I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

January 24, 2009

My Very Bowie Christmas

Filed under: David Bowie,Gifties — JeniQ @ 4:02 pm

My husband is so awesome, but y’all already know that. This Christmas he gave me a plethora of David Bowie items.

First I got Hugo Wilcken’s Low: 33 1/3. I am very eager to read this!

Low 33 and a third

Then he got me the Criterion Collection of The Man Who Fell To Earth. I have been wanting and coveting this disc since Cristin got hers. Now I’ve got mine!!!

Criterion Collection

Last but certainly not least, he got me this fabulous Heddon Street wall calendar. It’s very spot-on because of my trek to Heddon Street the last time I was in London. It’s all the alternate shots that were taken the night they took the photograph that wound up on the cover of “The Rise and Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.”

Calendar back cover

It includes David’s birthday clearly marked on January 8th!
Mr. Bowie's Birthday!

And best of all, it’s not for sale in the states! Please don’t send my hubby to jail! 🙂
Do not sell in the US!

1 Comment »

  1. w00000t! Two backed-up orders, Ahmustsay. Also, that is kind of the oddest note on that calendar.

    Comment by Cristin — January 24, 2009 @ 4:16 pm

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