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September 5, 2009

Raising Cain: A Must-Read

Filed under: Books — admin @ 1:25 pm

I’m halfway through Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Lives of Boys. I would strongly encourage anyone who has a son to read this book.

It is an insightful and interesting read about the challenges boys face as they enter adolescence and approach manhood. The authors expose some of the obvious and not-so-obvious problems that boys are up against as they grow more independent in their world.

From the Amazon.com review:

Boys suffer from a too-narrow definition of masculinity, the authors assert as they expose and discuss the relationship between vulnerability and developing sexuality, the “culture of cruelty” boys live in, the “tyranny of toughness,” the disadvantages of being a boy in elementary school, how boys’ emotional lives are squelched, and what we, as a society, can do about all this without turning “boys into girls.” “Our premise is that boys will be better off if boys are better understood–and if they are encouraged to become more emotionally literate,” the authors assert. As a tool for change, Kindlon and Thompsom present the well-developed “What Boys Need,” seven points that reach far beyond the ordinary psychobabble checklist and slogan list. Kindlon (researcher and psychology professor at Harvard and practicing psychotherapist specializing in boys) and Thompson (child psychologist, workshop leader, and staff psychologist of an all-boys school) have created a chilling portrait of male adolescence in America. Through personal stories and theoretical discussion, this well-needed book plumbs the well of sadness, anger, and fear in America’s teenage sons.


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