I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving – Easy Peasy

Filed under: Holidays — JeniQ @ 12:17 pm

I knew that Thanksgiving dinner wouldn’t last more than 15-20 minutes, so I was loathe to put hours of work into a lovely gourmet Thanksgiving meal. When Ruth asked if she could fry a turkey for anyone, I jumped at the chance. I’ve always wanted to have a fried turkey but would never take the plunge.

So, Thursday morning we dropped off our turkey and had a nice visit with Ruth, Ruth’s Dad, Scott, Hannah and Ian. Not too long after we got home, we got the call to come pick up Tom Turkey in all his lovely, fried glory.

My mom joined us for an early afternoon dinner and the menu was perfectly simple:

Dave made us a banana cream pie for dessert, which was luscious!

Gorgeous Turkey
Dinner is served
Yummy pie
Full Belly

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