I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 24, 2010

Strides in Parenting

Filed under: Babies,Personal/Health — admin @ 4:07 pm

So, second time around. It definitely has its advantages. The big disadvantage, of course, is the presence of the first child, which makes everything more challenging.

But this time around, I understand better the value of sleep and make more an effort to get some sleep during the day. I really understand the value of putting the baby on a schedule. It’s better for me, for him, and for the rest of our family. I realize that every crying spell he has is not an indictment of my parenting skills and I’m able to take it less personally. I know that sometimes he’s just going to have to cry, and that it’s not going to ruin his chances of a happy childhood. It really takes the pressure off. On the other hand, I understand much better that the choices I make now should be those I want to make in 6 months, a year, or 18 months from now. So I’m more conscious of the decisions I’m making and the precedence I’m setting.

What’s Linus up to these days?
During the day, from 7 AM to about 5 PM, he eats every three hours. In between, he has a little playtime and a good long nap. From around 5 PM to 9 PM, he cluster feeds. This can make evenings a bit difficult to manage, but the payoff seems to be a long nighttime stretch of sleep, from around 9 or 10 PM until around 3 or 4 AM. Woot!
He’s about 10 pounds now, his body is filling out and his cheeks are getting plump! He is thriving and doing great.

How’s Henry?
I am making an extra effort to spend solo time with Henry, which has helped reduce the tantrum issues, though he still acts up when I’m nursing Linus. We just spent our second Saturday alone together and it went much better than the first, I’m happy to say. He is talking so much these days, putting together more and more complex statements. Only about 25% of what he says is difficult or impossible to ascertain. He repeats everything you say verbatim, so watch out! He is just the cutest thing you’ve ever met and every day he captures my heart in a new way.

What about Dave?
Dave is doing well, too. He’s trying to keep his nose to the grindstone with his studies, but at the same time, he’s supporting all three of us by making meals, keeping the house clean, and taking primary care of Henry. He’s awesome, in a word.

And how about you, Jeni?
I am good. I have had a much better physical recovery than I did with my last delivery. Being physically able to keep up with the demands of two kids is terrific. We are entering Week 5 and I feel like I’m finally starting to find my feet. I’ve got Linus on a schedule I can live with. I’m getting more sleep at night. And I’m able to spend one-on-one time with Henry now, which helps make the whole household run more smoothly. I’ve spent most of my time since coming home from the hospital researching Linus’s condition and understanding treatment options, so I’ve been busy. I’m hoping to wrap up that research soon as we make decisions about his care. After that, I’ve got another long list of to-dos!

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