I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

August 12, 2007


Filed under: Books,Cristin,Harry Potter — JeniQ @ 9:45 am

Well, I finally finished! I read about 300 pages of the book Cristin so kindly loaned me in the three days before I took my trip, and then I listened to another five hours on the flight over to England. Still, I hadn’t finished by the time I landed. I intended to finish on the trip back home, but sat next to an engaging conversationalist. I only got about 1-2 hours read on the 6+ hour flight. I was able to listen to more during my several hour layover in JFK, but still didn’t finish the whole thing until a day after I got home.

So, what did I think? I guess I’m not really sure how I feel about it. There were several things that I found quite confusing, and it took some internet reading to understand what they meant. So when I closed the book, I didn’t quite have closure. Now I understand, but I’m still not sure I liked it as much as Cristin. More details below.

If you have already read the book, or have no plans to, I cannot highly enough recommend this synopsis. Really, really funny. Worth the read, and shorter than the book if you’re feeling intimidated by its length.

Also, I liked Ryan’s account of the book. Thanks for the comment!

*****************SPOILER ALERT*****************


July 29, 2007

Shh. Don’t bother me.

Filed under: Books,Harry Potter — JeniQ @ 9:46 pm

Tonight, Cristin was kind enough to lend me her copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. She didn’t want me to wait until I was 82. She’s the sweetest friend. And yes, I know own the audio book, which I plan to listen to on my long flight, but still, the chance to seek my teeth into right now, I couldn’t resist.


I also found this at the comic store today – I’m so excited!


21 Glorious Hours

Filed under: Books,Harry Potter — JeniQ @ 11:56 am

I got a response to my Craig’s List posting for a cheap copy of the Harry Potter Book 7 Audiobook. I got it for $30, a little more than I wanted to pay for it but $50 cheaper than list.

I am taking a long trip soon, and I’m going to listen to it then. I can’t wait! Harry Potter Audiobook

February 24, 2007

Famous Friends

Filed under: Ali,Books — JeniQ @ 3:21 am

My friend Alicia published a book!! How cool is that? You can buy this book here: http://tinyurl.com/2qazfy
It’s full of pretty pictures. Dave and I spent time reading it in bed the night we got it.

December 18, 2006

Current Addiction: Comics

Filed under: Books — JeniQ @ 1:01 am

My brother works at Dark Horse Comics and hooked me up with some new titles, so now I’ve got a longer “to read” list besides the mainstream Marvel stuff I’ve been reading lately.

Saturday I went to Capitol Comics and loaded up. I got “The Irredemable Ant-Man” 1 and 2, which I’m pretty excited about. He was featured in Civil War 4, I think, and for a guy that teeny, he had lots of moxie. I hope it’s funny. I also got a few Perhapnauts and Scarlet Traces that I was missing. I’m not in love with the art in Scarlet Traces, but I really like the story. I’d like to find the trades of the first rounds of Scarlet Traces.

I picked up Y: The Last Man 3, which is just a great story. Does anything Brian K. Vaughan touch not turn to gold? Another current Vaughan title I’m loving is The Escapists. It’s so good (and it’s set in Cleveland) that I’m making Dave read it! 🙂 Lastly, I picked up the NYX trade, which for the first time ever earned me a “Good one” comment from the guy behind the counter. So now my current collection is this big:

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