I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

September 13, 2010

My Day

Filed under: Babies — admin @ 10:38 pm

Here’s my schedule these days. Seems pretty hectic. Feels pretty hectic, anyway.

6:00 Up to nurse Linus.
6.30 Diaper time for Linus including diaper change, bag emptying, gauze change, and putting on his daytime outfit.
6.45 Time for me to get ready – wash my face, iron my hair, get dressed. Linus gets floor time in the living room or jumper time in the bathroom.
7.05 Get Henry up. Pick out clothes, have Henry Brush his teeth and use the bathroom.
7.30 Finally get Henry downstairs for breakfast. Hopefully Dave and I get a chance to eat breakfast as well. Pack up pump parts, computer, lunch box, etc. to take to work. Put Linus down for nap. Attempt to get Henry dressed once he finishes breakfast.
8:05 I have to leave at this time so I won’t be late for work.
8:15 Actual time I leave.
8:40 Arrive to work.
Pump three times while at work so no lunch break or time to run errands.
5:00 Stop working, pack up pump, computer, lunch box, etc.
5:20 Arrive at daycare to pick up the kids.
5:45 Leave daycare with the boys and all their stuff.
6:00 Arrive home, nurse Linus.
6:15 Dinnertime, usually prepared by Dave. These days Linus joins us at the table to have some cereal or other baby food.
6:45 Wrap up dinner, clean up kitchen (almost always Dave).
7:00 Bathtime for Henry (and sometimes Linus) which includes about 5 minutes of cajoling to get him in and another 5 minutes to get him out.
7:30 Playtime for Henry and Linus.
8:00 Bedtime for Henry. Nurse Linus for 30-60 minutes.
8:30-9:00 Bedtime for Linus.
After the boys are down, I can take a shower, do laundry, pack up for the next day, pick up toys, get Hazel or ScoobyDoo ready to go, check email, blog, etc. Mostly I just want to sit on the couch and drink a beer, though.
Bedtime is between 9:30 and 11.


  1. Whew! You’re making me rethink my desire to have kids someday.
    Remember that post you wrote about the chef’s table at the Angus Barn? My husband took me there this week for our 4th anniversary. A-maz-ing! Thanks for the idea.

    Comment by Bianca Howard — September 24, 2010 @ 8:18 am

  2. That is terrific, I’m glad you guys had a good time! The whole kids thing is fine, it all works out. Just a little bit tiring at first. 🙂

    Comment by admin — September 24, 2010 @ 9:48 am

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