I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

July 19, 2009

Cleveland Photos

Filed under: Cleveland,Entertainment,Family — JeniQ @ 8:46 pm

We got to visit family in Cleveland last month. It was great to see everyone and catch up. The bonus was that my mom was able to join us for this trip. I think she had a real nice time relaxing and spending time with the extended family. Just wish our visits could be longer!
The grandkids

All photos after the break.

Lake Erie Nature & Science Center

Filed under: Animals,Cleveland — JeniQ @ 8:19 pm

While in Cleveland last month, we visited the Lake Erie Nature & Science Center. It’s a cute place, not very big, but free and fun for the kids!



July 13, 2008

Fourth of July in Cleveland

Filed under: Cleveland,Family,Holidays — JeniQ @ 1:57 pm

Had a great time visiting Dave’s family in Cleveland over the fourth of July holiday. Henry got to meet the rest of his uncles and aunts and cousins! We also got to see Leslie and Vince’s house down in Hudson – it’s fabulous and the work they’ve done to it is amazing. We got to meet more of Vince’s family, which is nice, too, in preparation for their wedding in November.

All photos here.

With his Aunt Leslie
Aunt Leslie feeds Henry

All the kids together
Dickens Cousins

Uncle Eric
Unky Eric

His cousin Riley
Cousin Riley

Aunt Amber
Aunt Amber

January 1, 2008

Christmas Insanity

Filed under: Cleveland,Family,Gifties,Holidays — JeniQ @ 12:48 pm

Lots of food and lots of presents, that’s the way the Dickens Christmas rolls.

The presents stack up as family arrives
Pile o

The kids have a ball opening their presents
The kids open their presents

Audrey with Grandma
Audrey with Grandma

More Browns gear for the baby
Browns outfits for the baby

Aside from the Browns gear we scored for the baby, Dave got a Baby Bjorn and I got this amazingly soft and beautiful throw that Amber was coveting.

It was another great Christmas!
Family Portrait 2007

Cleveland Christmas

Filed under: Cleveland,Family — JeniQ @ 12:24 pm

Some shots from our first day in Cleveland, hanging with the kids at Kevin and Mary’s.

Audrey and Kate


Aunt Jeni with Audrey

The MOST adorable photo of Carson ever!

It almost looks like she likes me!

Then off to lunch at Skyline. I skipped the three-way and had three cheese coneys instead. YUM. An acquired taste, for sure, but oh-so-yummy!! It’s total chaos when we descend upon Skyline.

Cheese Coneys

The afternoon was spent lounging around – several people dozed off while viewing The Pink Panther.
Couch dozing

Then Kevin and Mary and Dave and I went to dinner while Mom and Dad babysat.
Mary and Kevin at dinner

A great day in Cleveland!

July 7, 2007

Luau Party Pictures

Filed under: Cleveland,Family,Holidays,Party — JeniQ @ 9:05 pm

Photos from the Luau at Mom and Dad’s.

July 1, 2007

Mom & Dad’s New Kittens

Filed under: Cats,Cleveland — JeniQ @ 1:46 pm
Mom and Dad have some kittens that are only a few months old. They are TEENY and so so adorable. Also, very rambunctious.

Here’s Gracie. She is so interested in everything. And takes every opportunity to scale people, either climbing right up your leg or jumping directly onto your chest. Crazy Gracie!

Here’s Gracie with her nails dug into my face. She seems obsessed with glasses and is always attacking them. Marmalade (a.k.a. Furball) is a few weeks older than the other two, and a little more shy. So very sweet, though, can’t you tell?
And then there’s Shadow, who reminds me so much of Cayce. Also very sweet, and not as crazy as Gracie.

Saturday Fun Time for the kids

Filed under: Cleveland,Family,Party — JeniQ @ 1:37 pm

The kids spent lots of time in the pool on Saturday. Dave kept the kids occupied by swimming with them in the pool.
Here’s Carson, getting ready to go on an underwater expedition.
Here’s baby Kate. Damn she’s cute.
Here’s Riley, who spent nearly all day in those Muck boots he found. He’s such a great kid!

Party Preparations

Filed under: Alcohol,Cleveland,Entertainment — JeniQ @ 12:55 pm

We spent all day Saturday (not Caturday) getting the place ready for the big festivities.

Dave and Eric fill a horseshoe pit with sand.
Kevin assists.
The horseshoe pits are kind of important. Lots of attention focused on getting them just so. They don’t kid around, measured distances between the pits, posts pounded in at an 11 degree angle and all that.
Leslie and Vince watch a game of horseshoes. Vince stole my hat, which I stole from Riley, who stole it from Grampy’s closet.
The view of the house and garage from the horseshoe pits. The main structure you see is actually the garage. The house is behind the tents/canopies. We have tons of tables and chairs and tents and coolers. It should be a good day!

More to come…

June 30, 2007

Flight to Cleveland

Filed under: Cleveland,Travel — JeniQ @ 1:30 pm

Left work at 3:30 to make my 5 o’clock to Cleveland. We’re having a big pig roast/luau on Sunday with tons of people. Should be fun.

During the flight, we kept banking left and right to avoid these monster thunderstorms. They were so beautiful to look at.

Downtown Cleveland in the distanceLanding

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