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I [heart] Davids · Henry


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My handsome little man.

Robot shirt

What are you looking at?

We had an easter egg hunt in our neighborhood this weekend. Henry was quite prepared for the egg hunt experience.

I think he’s a little too young for sidewalk chalk, but he disagrees.
Trying to get to the chalk

Our neighbors joined us with their son Sawyer.
Steve, Sawyer and Shannon

And he’s off! Looks like Sawyer is keeping a close eye on the competition.
Finding eggs

He loves playing with the eggs, putting them in and out of his basket.
Basket of booty

Henry recently got his hair cut. Now he’s sporting the “George Clooney“.
Father and son

Henry Photos

Just a few photos for the fans out there.

More Henry Videos

Watch in HQ for best viewing quality.

Kazoos and Kats

Two recent Henry videos.

Henry chases cats.

Henry plays the kazoo.

One Year Old

I just can’t believe that Henry is one! It’s amazing how fast time flies. He’s just gone in for his one year checkup and everything seems to be fine. He is 21 pounds, 15 ounces (37th percentile), 30 inches (63rd percentile) and his head is 18.5 inches around (69th percentile). He has dropped in weight percentile, but shot up in the length and head circumference categories. He’s going to be skinny, smart and tall. Sound like someone you know?

Henry's 12 Month Growth Chart

Henry's 12 Month Growth Chart

It’s helpful to inventory milestones and it’s been a while since I have, so here’s what he’s up to these days.

  • He is walking, though he still falls down with some frequency. However, I think running might be in his near future.
  • He sleeps from 8:30 PM until about 6:30/7:00 AM.
  • He eats breakfast around 7 AM, has a snack at 9 AM, eats lunch around 11:15 AM, has another snack around 3 PM, and then has dinner before 7 PM. He is completely weaned off the bottle and drinks from a sippy cup.
  • He eats lots of ordinary table food, though he still hasn’t tackled anything too tough or large yet. I still cut everything up into small pieces and cook it til it’s soft.
  • He might be a pirate because he loves to throw his food and cups overboard.
  • He has all four incisors on the top and bottom and one set of molars on the top and bottom.
  • He likes to read and will sit in his room pulling out books and looking through them. He also loves for you to read to him.
  • He loves to go down slides and walk back up them.
  • I think he has more of a “shy” temperament, even though he was such an “easy” baby. This one has been a bit hard for me to adjust to, but I imagine he comes by it honestly. I have to be vigilant in reminding myself that he is a very sensitive little boy and he probably won’t be impressed by my very-funny-though-sarcastic-off-the-cuff remarks.
  • He loves dogs and cats. He sometimes comes close to our cats and then just sits and watches them. And then he mauls them.
  • He’s on his fourth earache. He is, understandably, miserable when he’s sick.
  • Recently I’ve noticed him lost in thought when he has a full belly at the dinner table. What’s he thinking about?
  • He knows the sign for “more” and will use it. He also knows the sign for “eat“.
  • He goes to “school” five days a week and is really enjoying it. He is in a class with about ten kids and two teachers. He misses his old teacher Julia but he’s warming up to his new teachers. He has a great deal of fun every day playing with all the toys and the other kids in the class.
  • He had three haircuts before his first birthday, and is in need of another.
  • He loves his bathtime in the evening.
  • He hasn’t adopted a favorite stuffed animal yet, though he has plenty to choose from.
  • He can stack blocks up to build towers, as well as knock them down. He can nest boxes. He can push shapes through a shape-sorting toy. He’s a bright little boy.

OK, that’s all I can think of to add for now. He’s just the cutest little thing you’ve ever seen. I feel like someone slipped me a Mickey because I know he can’t possibly be the world’s cutest baby, can he…? But when I look at him, all bets are off. I love to see his sweet face at the end of a long day, and hold him when he’s tired. I like to watch him sleep. This whole motherhood thing is an amazing trip. It’s impossible to describe without having been through it. I just widen my eyes in surprise every day at the feelings I feel and the wonder of it all. I can’t believe a year with him has already come and gone.
Morning Tickles

We celebrated Henry’s first birthday on Sunday, the day before his birthday (March 2nd). It was so awesome and super fun! Thanks to everyone who made his day special.

Dave’s folks came down and my mom and Gene were there, of course. Unfortunately, my granma got sick the week before and was not able to make it. That’s okay, though, she’ll just get all that Henry-time to herself the next time we see her. We missed having the West Coast contingent of the family but hope to party down with them sometime this summer.

We had a very easy party. I served champagne, wine and beer and a few easy hor dourves that went straight from the freezer to the oven. Dave made this amazing Angel Food cake with orange flavoring, topped with orange-colored Cool Whip and mandarin oranges. Henry’s favorite!

It seemed like everyone was very relaxed and had a good time. As per usual, I felt like I didn’t get to talk to half the people who were there but that’s just how it goes.

Two of Henry’s little friends came over, Sawyer and Finn, with their parents. It was fun to have someone for Henry to share the toys and cake with. And of course, Cristin and Beanie made it, too. The surprise guest was Julia, Henry’s favorite teacher from school. She may have won “best gift” award with her Mickey Mouse airplane. It was a hit with all the kids! However, they didn’t have any lack of toys to complain about.

Henry got lots of great gifts from all his friends and relatives. I’ve pictured only a few here. Perhaps the most labor intensive gift was the sweater that Cristin knit him. She’s too crafty! It’s the perfect blend of David Bowie and Henry’s birthday! It’s from the Strangers When We Meet video (I adore this song) and it has a “1” on it in honor of his birthday. Although he may not be wearing it anytime soon (it’s a tad big), at least he will not grow right out of it.

The next day we got to open more fabulous presents from Monica, and the day after that presents from Jonah and Nolan arrived. Hooray for the weeklong birthday!

(I realize that there are way too many pictures in this post and I’m sorry. But he’s my only baby and he only turns one once. If you’re a Henry junkie, you can see all of Cristin’s photos here and my photos here.)

Last Day of School

Today is Henry’s last day in the Infant class at his school.

Before breakfast:

Ready for school:
Sharp Dressed Man

I can’t believe that he’ll be a year old on Monday! He is such a big boy. He is definitely ready to move up to the next class. He’s a bit of a terror in his current class as the next youngest child is 8 months old. I think he’s tired of hanging out with all those babies!

Baby Videos

Listen closely to hear Lindsay say “Git ‘er”

Henry had such a great day yesterday. Unfortunately, this morning he seems to be having quite a lot of teething pain – I think his molars are on the way in. He’s also had three blowouts since yesterday, probably due to either the antibiotic he’s on, the teething or both. We’ve already had to do three three loads of his laundry!

Last night we had lovely fondue for our Valentine’s dinner. It was so yummy. I love getting fed all this great food. Lindsay is a great cook and a great hostess. I enjoy being here so much because of the laidback attitude everybody has. I haven’t had my shoes on since I first got here, because we’ve just hung around the house all day long. It’s been very relaxing.

Today there’s not much more on tap other than some more good food and perhaps some more drinking. Perhaps a little hair of the dog will make my headache go away. 🙂

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