I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

July 25, 2011

Vegas Trip

Filed under: Ali,Amy,Travel — JeniQ @ 9:43 pm

I recently had to go to Las Vegas for a work trip. My best girlfriends met up with me and we got to hang out when I wasn’t working. It was so totally awesome!

We stayed at the Cosmopolitan, which is amazingly luxurious. We spent our free time at the pool and wandering the various bars in the hotel. The girls were good humans and took a nice, long walk each morning, stopping to get us affordable food from somewhere outside of the hotel. I didn’t. I laid in bed as much as possible.

I am actually happy to say I didn’t leave the hotel until my conference was over. Our flight was at 6 AM the next morning, so we planned a 4 AM departure. Going to sleep seemed silly, so we walked the strip, gambled away some money, and ate a wonderful meal at midnight. It was the best. I love you, ladies.

July 19, 2009

Amy Visit

Filed under: Amy,Crafty,Visitors — JeniQ @ 9:53 pm

Amy spent the weekend with us. We had a great time! Not many photos, though. Highlights include watching Fay Grim, eating chocolate chip pancakes, visiting the North Hills Farmer’s Market, cooking a terrific Pork Wellington, and seeing Kerri and Adam.

Plus, we did Duct Tape Crafts!!

Duct Tape Lunch Bags

Lunch Bags Inside

Aunt Amy and Henry

Lovely girls

December 24, 2008

Amy Visits Henry

Filed under: Amy,Holidays — JeniQ @ 3:41 pm

Amy came recently for her annual post-Thanksgiving visit to Raleigh. This year she helped us get and decorate our Christmas tree, extra fun because it’s Henry’s first Christmas tree.

We managed to fit in a trip to the Saucer.
Amy's Flight

Beer for lunch

And then went to get our tree at the Booger Mountain lot we always go to.
Henry's a Booger


And she and I had a great time decorating the tree, especially all the ornaments that she and Ali have gotten for us. Dave mostly made cookies – YUM!!!

Decorated tree

It was a wonderful weekend and I’m so glad that Aunt Amy was able to spend some good quality time with her nef’ie. They seemed to get along quite well.

Looking at the xmas tree

November 27, 2008

Amy’s New Flat

Filed under: Amy — JeniQ @ 2:08 pm

Amy’s new loft is so super awesome! I just loved it and think it’s such a perfect fit for her. Here is my photo tour of her place.

Welcome to my pad!

Local disco art

Peaceful serenity

Sting Art


Etched Ford tile

Berry wall art

The view

Destin Trip

Filed under: Ali,Amy,Travel,Vacation — JeniQ @ 1:30 pm

I had a great weekend with Amy and Ali in Destin. It was a funny trip. I flew to Atlanta, then Amy and I drove to Birmingham. The next morning the three of us drove down to Destin. On Sunday, we all drove back to Birmingham, then Amy and I drove back to Atlanta, and I flew home. Still, we had nearly two full days out in Destin.

We didn’t stay in Niceville very long.
Welcome to Niceville

There were a dozen rattlesnakes in this roadside attraction.
Roadside attraction

The bridge over the bay to Destin.
Midbay bridge

At lunch on Friday.
Amy and Jeni

Our condo at Silver Beach Towers.
Living in Safari Style

The view from our porch. You can see the pool, the hot tub and the beach.
Beachside Pool

At Cafe Rendez-Vous on Saturday.
Hanging at the bar

In Seaside.
Us in Seaside

June 2, 2008

Blast from the Past

Filed under: Amy — JeniQ @ 9:14 am

Two pretty girls

Blast from the Past

April 10, 2008

Amy Visit

Filed under: Amy,Henry — JeniQ @ 10:18 am

Yay! Amy drove all the way from the ATL to meet and visit with Henry.

Jeni and Amy

Best buds

It was a very short visit but it was awesome. Thanks for visiting, boo!! And congrats once again on your new job!

November 5, 2007

Nursery painted

Filed under: Amy,Babies,Decorating — JeniQ @ 12:47 pm

Sunday Amy and I finished the second coat on the nursery walls. Here’s us, proud of our work.
Painted nursery

And here’s a shot from this morning in bright sunlight. It’s not really this yellow. Honest.
Bright Yellow

November 4, 2007

Painting the Nursery

Filed under: Ali,Amy,Babies,Decorating — JeniQ @ 10:40 am

Our crew chief:
Ali Arty

With much patience on the part of Amy and Ali, we figured out an approach to decorating the nursery. Dave and I had already picked out the Magic Garden crib set from Litto Kids, so all the colors the girls and I choose are designed around it.

For the walls we went with a pale yellow with brown undertones that is kin to the yellow in the print. It looked like cake batter and we all had to remind ourselves it wasn’t so that we wouldn’t lick our fingers.

Cake Batter

I was so thankful they were here to help, and we got the first coat on the walls Saturday night!

Dave Paints

Amy Paints

Introducing the baby to the paint.
Baby meets paint

Gifts and Dangle

Filed under: Ali,Amy,Friends — JeniQ @ 10:27 am

We saw a guy dressed in a shiny plastic Lt. Dangle costume on our way home from breakfast on Saturday. His pants kept falling down.


Then I gave the ladies some gifties and they loved them!

Amy got some candy cuffs – you have to eat your way out. 🙂

Ali got a t-shirt with a very subtle message: “Nobody knows I’m a Esbian.” Heh, the shirt’s just folded up. She really seemed to like it, though, so hooray!

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