I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

June 10, 2008

Last Visitors

Filed under: Visitors — JeniQ @ 10:06 pm

The weekend before I started back to work we had our last houseful of visitors. Larry and Hiroe (newly wed!) came from Dallas and Grant and Michelle came from Austin.

We had just a spectacular time drinking, eating and hanging out. Michelle and Hiroe loved being with Henry. We went to Fishmonger’s for dinner on Friday night, and on Saturday we went to the Farmer’s Market and had lunch at the Flying Saucer.

Hiroe & Larry
Hiroe & Larry

Larry, Grant & Dave
Guys on front porch

Michelle was great with Henry
Michelle was great with Henry

Hiroe loved snuggling with Henry
Hiroe snuggles with Henry

But Grant didn’t have the magic touch
Henry & Grant

The end result

And a surprise guest!
Jeni & Ali

May 30, 2008

Grandparents Visit

Filed under: Family,Henry,Visitors — JeniQ @ 11:37 pm

A week and a half later, Dave’s folks came to hang out with Henry for a week. It was SO awesome to have them around. I had lots of opportunity to go shopping and generally get some “me time.” It was AWESOME and I love his folks for taking such good care of us and Henry.

Anyway, here is their visit in pictures. All pictures available here.

The *adorable* outfit that Mary and Audrey brought for Henry.
Cute outfit with Crocs!

We kept it pretty low-key.
Chillin’ on the porch

We love tacos, and they’re even better with these cool taco holders!
Yummy tacos

Mom and Mom hanging out at Fishmongers.
Mom and Mom

Our usual dinner at Fishmongers. Fishmongers

Granpy LOVED hanging out with Henry. Granpy and Henry

Sweet baby.
Henry Portrait

The whole family. Family Portrait

Mary and Audrey Visit

Filed under: Family,Henry,Visitors — JeniQ @ 11:29 pm

After Jonathan, Dawn, their kids and Granma visited, Mary and Audrey came next. (The day everyone left, actually!) It was a very relaxing, low-key visit. They were both so good with Henry, it was lovely to have them around.

Here is our visit in pictures. All pictures here.

Audrey, Henry & Mary
Audrey, Henry & Mary

A smile for mommy.
A smile for mommy

Audrey holds Henry
Audrey holds Henry

Audrey entertains Henry
Audrey entertains Henry

Henry’s kangaroo pouch
Henry’s Kangaroo Pouch

Artsy pic by Audrey

Audrey and Billy
Audrey and Henry

May 10, 2008

Clan Q: Westcoast to the Eastcoast!

Filed under: Family,Visitors — JeniQ @ 9:25 pm

We had a big family visit last week. My brother, his awesome wife and their two kids came from Oregon to visit, and my granma drove down from Virginia Beach. And of course, my mom lives here so she didn’t have to travel to join in the festivities. As an added bonus, my great-uncle and aunt were also able to drop by for a visit.

We had an absolute blast with the kids and the family! I won’t bore you with details, but here are some favorite candid shots. For all of those who were here, you’ll receive a disc with all the photos from the weekend just as soon as we’re able.

Nolan and Henry

Paddle Boats at Pullen

Pullen Carousel

out like a light

Jonah and Granma Jo

Lunch at the Saucer

Granma and Henry

Betty, Granma and Denny

Jonathan and Dawn

April 29, 2008

Overwhelmed Again

Filed under: Visitors — JeniQ @ 4:01 pm

Hah, I already have a post titled “Overwhelmed.”

My brother, his wife and their two kids arrive from Portland in two hours! Granma’s already made it in from Virginia Beach and is getting settled at her hotel. I am pooped from cleaning the house and rearranging things so that our place looks spectacular. J&D haven’t been to Raleigh since we got married so this will be the first time they see our house. I’m house proud so I want it to look great! They’re bringing their two boys, 4 and 2, who are going to see just how not-toddler-proof our house is. That will be exciting. We’re going to have a fun couple of days with them, granma and my mom.

To top off all this upcoming mayhem, my sister-in-law Mary and her daughter Audrey are coming on Saturday, right when Clan Q will be departing! I hope she doesn’t mind having to change her own sheets! 🙂 I am going to be tired but am so glad to be able to spend time with all these folks!!

Yayayay and now I want to go to bed. Hahaha!

April 23, 2008

More of Monica’s Visit

Filed under: Henry,Visitors — JeniQ @ 5:12 pm

First, I can’t thank Monica enough for coming to visit while Dave was in Taiwan. It was awesome having an extra set of hands around. Especially hands that cook such tasty food!
Here’s the meatloaf she made at my request, along with carmelized root vegetables, spinach salad and blue cheese and bacon mashed potatoes.

Meatloaf dinner

She spent lots of time entertaining Henry.
Henry sleeps on Monica

As well as Billy.
Billy, Henry and Monica

Napping with Henry doesn’t get old.
Napping with  Henry

It was also great to get a chance to catch up and have lots of girl talk. Thanks Monica!

April 13, 2008

Monica’s Here!

Filed under: Visitors — JeniQ @ 1:23 pm

Monica and I hit the Hibernian last night for beers and dinner.
Monica and me drinking Guiness

It was great because Monica fed Henry and that allowed us to stay out an extra long time. Monica is great with the baby!
Monica feeds Henry

April 9, 2008


Filed under: Visitors — JeniQ @ 11:23 am

I am so excited! Monica is coming to visit for a few days! I am hopeful that we can get some projects done while she’s here. Ok that’s not the most exciting thing to do with visitors, but the way I see it, she doesn’t have to go to work like Dave does. The projects I had in mind were cleaning out my closet and reorganizing my clothes as well as a few other “clean out” type of projects. (I am having a rather unpleasant dilemma with my clothes right now as I can’t fit into pre pregnancy pants as my thighs are too big and I can’t fit into pre pregnancy tops because my boobs are too big.) I’m sure we’ll manage to fit in some drinking and eating and other fun activities as well. I am super excited!

February 12, 2008

Saturday AM

Filed under: Visitors — JeniQ @ 1:46 pm

Saturday morning was very nice and relaxing. At least for me. I didn’t lift a finger all weekend and it was awesome! Amy and Ali were pretty busy with shopping trips, but they made it home in time for breakfast.

We had coffee and a make-your-own waffle bar with strawberry and blueberry toppings, along with bacon and sausage. Yummy!
Then we sat around the living room and texted other people.

More Texting

We played with Ian.
Dave and Ian

And hung out with the cats on the front porch – it was gorgeous out.
Monica, Linz and Ian

One of the best parts of the trip was getting to try out some of our new baby gifts!! We used the car seat, the Pack and Play, and the Jungle Swing with Ian. He seemed to approve!
Ian in the swing

Oh, and Dave spent the morning setting up our new TV – do you covet or what?

Ah, I can’t resist one more picture of Dave and Ian, taken Sunday morning!
Dave and Ian

Up Next – The Shower!!

Weekend Visitors

Filed under: Meals & Food,Visitors — JeniQ @ 12:50 pm

Before I start blogging about the shower(!!!) I thought I’d recap the rest of the weekend with our visitors.

First, we played with Ian some more.
Linz, Ian & Dave

And then we tried to go to the Mellow Mushroom but it was an hour wait and it was pretty cold outdoors, which was the only place to wait. Their bad fortune was good news for the folks at MoJoe’s across the street where we ended up. It’s a funny little place with an odd crowd, but they’ve got good burgers and tasty fried accompaniments. Yum!!

Ian was precious, of course. (It was a little cold on their heated porch.)
Linz & Ian @ MoJoes

Dave relaxing.
Dave @ MoJoes

Amy being a goof.
Amy @ MoJoes

Monica enjoys her Corona.
Monica @ MoJoes

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